Saturday, December 8, 2018

Poverty, Drought, Famine - And Border Walls and Restrictions in this era are clearly Economic and Human Genocide

This planet has a serious problem - a combination of three generations on most of the earth of decent weather and significant food resources - which is not historically something that lasts forever.

A biosphere that is dying - not if, but when.

If you are a person of science-truth or faith-truth, facts are facts.

Yes, "God" (reality) exists.  Not that this truth changes the facts.

If you do believe and if God Almighty spoke to you, really old-testament, burning bush level experience... and asked you to help - what would be your answer?

It is a very real, very pertinent question.

What I described, including the "burning bush" that is now, and has been and is happening as we speak - and I can prove it.

Whether you believe it or not - indeed whether you believe anything at all, matters to us not at all.  Truth is truth, and reality is reality.  God exists - by countless names, and these things are happening now.

In 2018 in America, Europe and around the world, in all but a few of the wealthiest of nations, our poorer families watch as their children lose the ability to thrive, to learn, they eat (when they can) unhealthy and inadequate food.

It is a global catastrophe, and the beginning of what we believe is a "Winter of Mankind."  For more information on that topic, visit our main site...  

If God asked you, personally, to do something - would you say yes, or would you argue?  

That is the question. 

Children Starve, Americans live in tent cities in their own hometowns, and many people of "faith" support building walls so our changing climate will literally starve hundreds of millions of our fellow human beings, most of them Catholic - within the next 50 to 100 years.

Children of wealthy countries faced with Privation, Inadequate Housing, Poor Clothing, Heatless Homes and even Near-Starvation.   For context and current events in support of this message, click HERE.

If you wish to learn more about what it means to be an "Ordinary" or New Hope Anbaptist, Click HERE

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Lesson 17, God Asks for Our Help                    

My dear fellow Catholics, and indeed - all so-called "Christians" (although we of New Hope believe that "Christians" such as Mike Pence, are not Christian at all).  These misguided but guiltless "Christians" are not to blame, nor are they deliberately violating Jesus' mandate and commandment, but they have been for nearly 2000 years deliberately misled.

You see - Paul of the Gospels, he who traveled and made a pretty good living by selling Christ's message for power and profit....   Paul was not Christian either.  

He had his own path - and it had very little to do with Jesus.  He was like a person selling food in the market, that was actually poison....   and labeling it deliberately to make money off human misery.

Paul is the guy who is followed by TV preachers - you know the ones  "God wants YOU to buy me another Private JET"  (No kidding, look it up - I saw it LIVE and did not know whether to laugh or cry.

These fiends and usurpers and fools, they are not following Jesus Christ at all, but they sure do bank a lot of money using his name.

They are Paulinian - that prejudiced, culture crushing, missionary and genocidal culture fostered by Paul the travelling salesman....  and he sold Jesus' message to the wealthy, as a tool of power and control.

It is a great sadness, but it is what it is.  Oh yes, Paul -  oft-quoted, misogynistic and cruel, usurping Jesus to promote wealth, power, war and control of the human race by monsters - oh yes, read Paul once again....with an open mind.

If he is heaven when I arrive, I'm calling a cab.  (kidding  JH)

This man called Paul - his message stands in stark opposition to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - the message and meaning of Christ's message, his life and his voice while among us.

We of New Hope - a 500+ year tradition of secrecy, hidden values and worship and emphasis on the works, words and deeds of the Man/God Jesus - believe that Paul's "Gospels" are an aberration - and have created after 2000 years, justification for the quite literal "hell on earth" currently being inflicted by the greedy, the craven and the unjust upon the entire earth.

The wisest among us have known for nearly 100 years that by approximately 1920, a sufficient amount of trapped sunlight that was stored in coal, oil and before that, the deliberate harvest and burning of literal mountains of wood gleaned from this fragile planet, by 1920, it was not IF the human species could survive without artificial sources of oxygen on the planet - but merely when.

The only real question was, and still is - how many generations do we have left.

Based on current events, and 2018's record carbon dioxide emissions, I would say that we have perhaps 10,000 more years - a blink in the history of even our tiny species, before the Earth will be as inhospitable for oxygen breathing life as all the other planets in the solar system.

The question is - will the wealthy, those elites, the 5% that own 95% of everything that exists....   Or perhaps the 67 wealthiest family dynasties - 67 families, who are reported to own just over 1/2 of everything - will they begin to share?  We of the Anabaptist faith (not Amish - we are science based, and embrace all faiths and cultures, but like all Anabaptists we never seek to convert, nor convince....

It is our belief and with sure and direct communication with almighty God, that without our immediate shared and universal spiritual action, our own huge, indeed Herculean effort - that we have less than 100 years.  GOD NEEDS OUR HELP.

Extinction of all life.  Global thermonuclear war.

God, who while indeed - infinite and all powerful, acts in time scales that encompass literally trillions of years. God has offered us - myself, my fellows - and indeed many of you, literal "Saviors" (what we Christians call apostles) information, the internet, technology - but it needs OUR help - to make it another 100 years.

If you do not believe God learns, evolves, grows and changes - than ask yourself, if man and indeed the universe are in God's image as scripture avows, why is it that from the stars to the tiniest virus, all that exists constantly changes, and either grows and flourishes or dissolves into chaos and entropy?

We have both the science and if you wish, a sufficient approximation of this generation's burning bush....  but I am not here to convince the skeptic.  This is knowledge and information that might just save the world, but we need the help of EVERY person, faith or faithless, regardless of nation, wealth, language or culture....  or we shall all perish.

If God asks for your help - the answer if you have faith, is yes.  We are merely a conduit, for His voice, and His plea.....   but that matters not.

It is imperative however to recognize this - Jesus NEVER asked anyone to change religions, or culture, he helped all, young or old, male or female.  THAT is his example and his message, and then as now, they killed him for it.

Sharing  you see, that is just not to be allowed.  Not in this world of selfish, avaricious fiends - who have ruled mankind in "God's name" for untold thousands of years.

You might say "But God can fix it!"....  and you are right, but remember my brethren, Every atom that is not hydrogen has cycled countless times, through the life and death of countless star systems.

Every single atom - in your body.  Those are time scales of "God's" holy intervention.

It matters not if you "believe" in climate change - truth is truth.  I have a rich, diverse and classical education, from the great "Harvard Classics".  (see Wikipedia entry reprinted with permission below)  to the modern iteration of a new 10 commandments, the Georgia Guidestones. 

And yet these Paulinians, these anti-Christians like Vice President Mike Pence and TV evangelists offering to feed the hungry if they just convert (what an abomination in the context of the 8th commandment)...

It is horrific.

These perverters and usurpers of Jesus life and message, claim that "God is in command" as they wave a machine gun in one hand, and a Bible in the other.  

God is not angry - but he is ashamed, and we are part of thousands of "Returned Saviors" currently walking this earth.   But the promised return - it is likely not what you have been led to believe nor expect.

Ask yourself this...  in less than 60 years, mankind went from flying less than 200 yards in a craft of wood, paper, cloth and wire and tin, to WALKING ON THE SURFACE OF THE MOON.

When I was born, in 1959, a paired copper cable could carry one telephone call.  Now a glass filament 1000 times thinner than a human hair is capable of carrying billions of signals, simultaneously.

All knowledge is available to all who live.

If this is not evidence of God "Leaning In", what the hell else would you call it?

As Michelle Obama mentioned the other day while talking about her new book  
"Just because you lean in does not mean you are welcomed, nor do you have the right to push yourself on others. " (even with the best intentions).

God my brethren, my brothers and sisters of all faiths - that which we Christians call "God" - is a "Gentleman" (although gender is not rational in this context).    God if asked, will mind his own business....   and a hell of a lot of people don't seem open to his message of knowledge, unity and science.....   in fact, it really pisses a lot of you off.

We must be....  rather careful.   Countless saviors walk among us....  be careful my friends, what you wish for, and especially what you say out loud.

Their idea of being "Christian" is forcing regime change and using economic suffering, starvation and violence to force poor nations - especially those with brown, black and yellow populations, to trade the land they need to grow food...  for pieces of PAPER.

Please my brethren, my Brothers and Sisters in Christian and non-Christian faith, and those with no faith at all, open your eyes, your ears and your minds.  Not just to the pleas of the suffering, but to each other.

Just because I am right - as an Anabaptist Catholic, does not mean that a Hindu, a Baptist, or even an Atheist, is wrong.

God's universe offers free will, and we of good intention are ALL walking the same road, for the same reasons.

Let us clarify with strength that though - and there is no greater living Saint/Savior Apostle than Reverend James Earl Carter (President Carter).  His miracles cover this planet with food, clothing and especially homes for those in greatest needs.  Millions of homes - without regard to nation, faith or culture.

President Carter says this early in new (and likely final) book "Faith" - "All legitimate religions are at their core, identical."  

We of New Hope and indeed in direct communication with "God" can say this with surety to the world:  

To hold one faith up as superior to another is a mockery of God's primacy and supremacy over man and all that exists.

Without all mankind agreeing first on that, we are literally, doomed.  

We must stop blaming, arguing and shaming and stealing and robbing the poor to feed the wealthy.  Mankind must unite - and attack the real problem, our grotesque overlords of wealth, greed, genocide and for-profit exploitation of the natural world...  and somehow, get them to not destroy us all as we separate them from the "God Given" right to rule.

John Edward Charles Hubertz
Carl Zehr Professor of Moral Economics and History
New Hope Academy (Worldwide)
New Hope Anabaptist Faith

May God have Mercy on us All

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