Saturday, December 8, 2018

Train Wreck with Happy Ending - America, 2019

Hey - People, I was there, and America is no more weird or psycho or out of control now then it was when I was a young man.  Oh yeah, I fought Vietnam - with a typewriter, a mustache, and a serious attitude about PEACE.  So light a California Cigarette and start this b*tch at 14 seconds...


But then, a man from New York, married to an immigrant model who looked like an angel and must became a whore to pull her family from the slums and ashes of the failed Soviet Union, the redheaded son and grandson of gangsters who were the "front-men" for the Russian mob...

This man, no longer young, who somehow won victory in a political process so corrupt, so bought-and-sold, so pathetic that the Carter Center for Democracy declared it no longer a viable, representative government...

Already a laughingstock, showing his ass to the world as he fired people for fun on television.

A man who had tutors and donations to float him through an Ivy League university without literacy or education in history, politics, religion or world culture...

A man who was thought to be a puppet, first for his own ego, then for the Russians, and eventually for a Republican political establishment willing to do anything, say anything, tell any lie and court any fringe group that fomented racial, class and educational/economic fear and hatred...

A man with hair like Chucky, fingertip Tourette's on twitter, and a tendency to make "ready SHOOT aim" into his modus operandi...

A man named Donald Trump...

Donald John Trump of New York, Palm Beach and every environmentally sensitive patch of dirt he could convert into that most horrific symbol of wealth, privilege, bad taste and mono-culture agriculture that produced no product and merely served to remind the rest of us that the wealthy cared not for even the common decency necessary to be good neighbors and stewards of the land (golf courses).

Then, the powers-that-be, the 60 or 70 wealthy family dynasties who for untold centuries had gathered, stolen, deprived and starved the world and acculated literally, 95% of everything of significant value, rammed their withered arthritic hands up the ass of a human puppet, a monster who held up a bible in one hand and a baby cage in the other, made a significant error.

Wealth and power you see, like us all - like even we, who have sat silent and amused, horrified and distant as the world burned and the war-pigs tore apart even their own sacred soil, Wealth and Power blinked.

They blinked.

You see, my name is John Edward Charles Hubertz, and I stand upon a dynasty as well - a dynasty apart, a dynasty strong not in cool green money, but in dirt - plain dirt, but that dirt has and always will run rich not with blood, but with wide brown rivers as it meanders in both directions... always to the sea.

They blinked.

One day, this moron, this illiterate son of criminals, this so-called entrepeneur who somehow managed to lose so much money running a CASINO that his father's last official act of financial malfeasance was to buy $9,000,000 in casino chips in cash, and according to the New York times, his chauffeur tossed them into the foul water of New Jersey's fetid river as it flowed into a shoreline so polluted with trash, discarded condoms and crack vials they had to rebuild a centuries-old boardwalk....

In my mind's eye they threw those chips in a weighted duffel bag into the stinking, polluted water of Chad's Ford, rich in history, and now polluted by toxic industry and the slime of human crepulance.

And one and all, you, me, and especially them... (clickable link)

We all underestimated this man, this beast, this wolf in Sheep's clothing - Donald J. Trump.

Well, I stand here, a pacifist, a scholar, a multi-cultural and multi-faith scion of hope, recovery and family tradition that prevented even Mike Pence from casting me out with the other victims of zero tolerance, touch love and a world convulsing as it starves and screams and lashes out in frustration at the poor, the elderly, the lonely and the afraid and the stranger at our door.

We underestimated Donald J. Trump.

You see, I was wrong, you were wrong, and especially, those smooth-skinned well oiled wealthy, as they flew over in their $100,000,000 private jets, called Indiana "flyover country" and sipped champagne while their dogs slurped caviar from crystal bowls that cost more than most Americans make in a year....

Because you see, unlike the rest of us, Trump was just a bully, a jerk, and an *sshole big enough to have hung with those sad, sick wealthy freaks - not their fault really, because their wealth, their prejudice, their pride and their privilege like Trump's failings, were all learned at their Father's knee.

But you see, if your gigantic stack of stolen cash rivals that of the Rothschilds, the Morgans, the Princes and the scions of families so influential that their roots tear into human soil all the way back to the Roman Empire, you notice something:

Fear and greed turn human beings into prey for real gangsters.

I'm a recovering addict, who cut his teeth on the mean streets of Detroit, Louisville, New Orleans, Miami and Atlanta.  I've hung out with pimps, queers, prostitutes, and people who live so close to the bloody ragged edge of a reality that if they ever, Ever blinked, somebody wound up bleeding, dead or in those prisons that dot our sacred land like skin cancer.

Well my friends, although my wall could be covered with so-called degrees and honoraria, awards and titles and certificates that other, weaker and less cruel and ruthless men work a lifetime to achieve...  yet I, like Donald Trump, knew the real truth.

"Shooters don't talk, and talkers don't shoot."

So while the Mike Pence's and the Boltons, the gangsters and the Russians, the wealthy and the elite squandered their time and energy and money paying me to rise like a bubble of vomit through the wasteland of broken lives and the bodies of children starving right now due to American bombs, American bullets and a world broken by cruelty, hatred, prejudice and lies.

The bile and filth and corruption that shielded the real Donald John Trump from the world, that allowed him to suffer like a rich man under the caresses of trophy wives and blind himself to the cruelty of $6000 a month apartments and friends who literally build mansions on the graves of the poor, that foul stench of a human animal burst forth onto the world stage like a beast, like a wild animal...

And the boy within, rich with everything but his sacred heritage of culture and truth, shiny with not well-earned work sweat, but oils and scented unguents applied by people who would touch even those who starved their home countries while growing cotton or sugar cane on the soil they needed to grow food for their children.

And as you and I and Stephen Colbert and virtually everybody who wanted to do anything but watch the world burn and dance one last frenzied dance of lust and addiction and hate, the REAL Donald Trump splattered his real self over us and...

He ripped our world apart.

We, the Ordinary Anabaptist, indeed everyone I know who really knows the truth, who cares enough to learn, study and pay attention -

John Edward Charles Hubertz, son of an American Patriot, a war hero, and a proud graduate of universities and the mean streets of a 20+ year addiction to crack cocaine.

Rabbi Avram Friedman of Alabama, Hasidim Rabbi, genius, scholar, an alcoholic with an arc of life so tangled that he both invented part of the backbone of what is now called the internet but has maintained an international reputation as a drunk.

Michael Douglas Benedict, grandson of a wandering alcoholic, bible scholar, containing all the rage of generations of sensitivity to criticism, spiritual ignorance and the kind of cold calculating cruel knowledge that only a man of Italian ancestry can ever feel pulsing in his veins.  Yes, his Grandfather's name was Benedetto, and just like the Negro, the Jew, the Addict and the Refugee, he can recognize cruelty and the lies of those who use books as faith as kindling to burn people alive as easily as the rest of you see your fat ignorant faces in the mirrors hanging in your empty mansions.

And they, following the example of a legacy of American saints, women of strength who were single mothers when the law forbade paying a woman more that 2/3 of a man's salary, and a people so downtrodden that the Sons of Abraham (Jews) were willing to even commit genocide to seize "their" Holy Land from people who's only crime was speaking Arabic and being in the way.

They saw Donald Trump.  

Oh yes, his foul ignorance and rude "grab em by the pussy" words put them off at first, but they had been schooled in the hardest, strictest and most significant schools of all - the school of prejudice, real hatred and poverty - the poverty of standing alone and shunned in a world gone mad.

To quote Hemingway a few months before he died, "To remain sane in a world gone mad is the act of a lunatic."

Well, I'm John Hubertz, and I prefer the words of Hunter J. Thompson, like me, a Jen-You-Wine Kentucky Colonel.

"When the Going Gets Weird, the Weird Turn Pro."

That man stood before an American people who stood amazed, amused, horrified and confused to the point of condemning even science, education, immigration and peace...  all at the point of countless "legal" weapons of war.   That man, Donald J. Trump

And then of course, I lost my virginity to a girl with sand in her socks and a really weird laugh.

YES    Hey Man, mellow out and wait, the old greedy fools always die.  Make love, speak up, and wage PEACE.  Ain't any accident worth fighting, just ride it out and meet a groovy chick.  JH

Watch this please:

This video comes with a riddle, why are we eating Taco Bell and smelling like Ben Gay and grass, while calling this video "Bone Spurs"?  A prize for any correct answer.

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