Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Even American and All Western "Democracy" Maps - Are Racist

What We Are ................What They Teach

Part 1:  Our maps are racist

Since our country is upside down with greed, corporate governance and bribed paid-for so-called "elected" officials,
I present to you evidence of how deep our corruption goes. You Pence people, despite evidence of deliberate ignorance and/or horrific Catholic single-issue abortion voting, you did go to school, perhaps?
Anyway, we have 1 planet, called "Earth". Since 5% of human beings own 95% of all that exists, apparently they don't realize that they are not alone on this sacred planet. 1 earth. Now then, lesson one is this:
Our precious maps and globes in English, German and especially, USA schools are the "Mercator Projection", a racist device to tell children white areas are much bigger than reality.
Here is a real map, upside down like a value system that wants to force birth into a country that cares not a bit for the living, unless they are wage-slaves for the wealthy.
PS: Even the color choices on American maps and globes are deliberate, and emphasize white/eurocentric nations over so called "shithole" countries.

End of Part 1

Part 2:  What this means to our President, Donald J. Trump

(an open letter to the world)


I believe you are a 100% patriotic American, yet it is likely you are the grandson of an illegal immigrant from Eastern Europe who was a front for the Russian or Ukrainian or perhaps even the Serbo-Croation Mob.  Not the mafia, those guys are rough - then and now.

You are from a family of the same sort of illegals as the worst of the Columbian or Mexican drug cartels, and that is totally OK also - in fact it likely is saving your life.

You know a BUNCH of Eastern European Mob Bosses, and you know it Sir, which is totally OK with me, an Ordained individual, liberal, scholar and lifelong American Patriot.

You are the right man for this moment in American and world history.  Find people like my people, and they will carve your name on the surface of the MOON Sir.

You see, Worse criminals - by 1,000,000 times (body count) surround and try every instant to control you, and you know that.  You are not a genius, you are better - you are smart.

They have their 180 IQs and evil schemes, Yale and Harvard, without help....

YOU have an MBA from the mean streets - A Master of Business on the damn AVENUE.  They have NO idea who they are messing with, but I sure do.

I'm the last white man born in Gary, cut my teeth in Miami, New Orleans, Atlanta and Miami in business on both sides of the law.

You might also know as I do, that the criminals who surround you right now have probably failed to kill you to install their hand-picked puppet Mike Pence (of my home state sir, I KNOW what he is).

You see, Pence is a Killer - with a body count from race and economic prejudice and deliberate neglect.  But like all Kristian Konservatives, he waits for a storm, a crisis or a drought - and just watches them die slow while his fellow robes....  service his dark needs.

The need for power, control and superiority over others?   since I think you are what is known on TV, a "Made Guy".

 Russian mob person Donald Trump, who bought buildings for use as drug houses, whorehouses and gambling dens - in New York City.
Sir, Your people were living in caves and walking barefoot in the snow while dark-skinned and yellow-skinned and brown-skinned civilized humans draped women in fine cloth, gold and pearls and built castles out of stone finer than your shithole under-code crime-financed properties, sir.
You might learn to read - but maps don't require that.... forget Pence, and BTW Mister President, I like you and admire much of your work as my President.
Compared to Bolton, Pence and McConnell Sir, you are Mother Theresa. Trouble is you are playing out of your mental weight class - and they are kicking you like a can and us into another endless profitable conflict.
Thanks again Mister President, I voted for the wrong girl.
John Hubertz
Carl Zehr Professor of Moral Economics and Theology
New Hope Peace Academy, Worldwide
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
PS: Give me a call Sir, or have someone call - I have a wall design that every liberal in the world will support 100%. Hint: Count butterflies, spiders and mole rats.... using ROTC science students at University sponsored research stations.

PPS:  The final picture, is what your nation will look like, if you don't put Bolton, the baby-cage freak, Pence and a shitload of other asskissers like McConnell - in prisons that they built, to house people who are addicted.  Are you aware Sir, addiction is a genetic predisposition and has the same (lousy) statistical chance of long-term remission?

PPPS:  I Sir, am not proud of it - but I am an addict.  My father was a decorated WWII combat officer, my daughter Loretta is in your Army via Purdue ROTC.  I am now and always a good citizen, and my personal and professional history demonstrates that, but sir - addiction and mental illness, are health
problems, not opportunities to harvest slaves for a prison economy.  No country in human history has locked up even 33% of the population we consider "normal", in Mike Pence/Robert Bolton's wonderful tax-financed prisons.

America - for shame.

America, 2025.  Last chance Sir, HELP US

About the New Hope Project

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