Tuesday, June 25, 2019


As a foundational elder (co-leader) of a rather secretive 490 year old worldwide cross-denominational "faith" (actually a set of practices), allow me to thank you for this important post.

If only 10% of so called "Christians" and a lot more so called "Catholics" (non Pope Francis) would think and believe as you Buddhists do, we human beings might have a tiny chance of saving this planet for oxygen breathing life - species extinction is the only outcome if we do not change now.

No more warning track, no wall.  Cliff with jagged rocks, and a million year fall.  Dying, by the billions...  for perhaps 2500 years.  Then....

Maybe 10,000 years, with not quite enough of us to successfully avoid genetic entanglement and species extinction.  Not enough breeding pairs.

SCIENCE you idiots.  How can you not accept reality as the living word OF GOD?

Sir, as a theologian and scholar, I assure you that now and always I am a Purdue-trained Man, and a Scientist.

Fake news?  People - Reality exists, Right and Wrong Behavior exist, and Reality you see, will exact whatever price it feels we have earned.

By the way, during the life of that fellow "Your Lord and Savior", that human being with special abilities and yes, connection to the infinite - the guy Jesus?  The one your "superiors" (wealthy) say that "Jesus needs you to kneel ?"  That is horrific.

My Christian brethren, as a rabbi - read Shapiro to see Jesus.  During Jesus' day, Reality and God?  Same word.^ (ref below)

*End, Part One

..........................................*Part Two

Dear People, ALL of you.  Especially these so called "religion" people.

We beg you, listen.  We have a few real answers.  We know and respect your Savior, we share that!

BUT In your book, in your language, remember:  Your Gospel, *Rich Guy*/*Camel*/*Eye of Needle*.  Rich Man knelt and Jesus mocked him, "I am flesh like you."

Look it up you victims of 1500 years of an addiction called greed.

NO not just corporate/wealthy greed?  NO Not a conspiracy.  SCIENCE.

 - "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutly"   Now proven by neurochemical analysis, POWER makes Cocaine look like Halloween Candy, and it destroys the moral fabric of those who touch it.

Give.  It.  All.  Away (as fast as you earn)  If not, the power is like crack that likes the addicted to start WARS.  

For shame - can't you people see we Anabaptist are in heavenly bliss while your own family members live and die under your bridges and in your cages?

I'm not upset, but if you pause, if you use your experience and your mind, remember the horrible lonely failures in your own life.

Remember the helpless feeling.  Why do you non-Anabaptist people insist on suffering, making mistakes, being afraid, getting old....  why do you DEMAND to be allowed to do this alone.

Life is not easy, and it has terrible failures for every single person.  SHARE that, and share your material goods.  By doing this, you will help others enough that the day YOU are crying in shame, everybody will help you because you ALWAYS help them.

Be the perfect stranger - help anyone in need.

Then you will inevitably need help someday, and know enough to cry out, reach out - not to family or so-called "friends", to STRANGERS.

Strangers - helping strangers.  That is where the miracles are.

Be the Perfect Stranger, Like Jesus was - and all those other good saviors and saints and angels.

We are all the same, but you suffer in silence and are destroying yourselves, and the world we must share.

Look, we don't like having to reveal even that the "Ordinary" Anabaptist faith exists, but we have felt compelled to speak out.

We LIKED being secretive, but we had to break the code.

Peace - as we are all Brothers and Sisters.....  being totally equal does not imply or suggest we should be the same.  Difference is where the learning is.  The friction, of truth against truth, lights the lamp that illuminates the world.

BE thou a light unto the world.

John Hubertz,
Carl Zehr Professor of Moral Economics and Theology,
New Hope Peace Academy (worldwide),
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA

^  Quote source:  Shapiro Translation, Pirke Avot, Wisdom of the Jewish Sages

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