Monday, June 24, 2019

Artificial Intelligence, Wal-Mart and the Militarization of Greed

Well, Wal-Mart announced they are linking their million plus security cameras to a deep mind neural network with CIA grade facial recognition.

This means blood on our streets, because about 12% of the USA economy is theft by desperate people from evil, soulless, greedy, immortal beasts called corporations

I will accept that a corporation is human the day they execute a retarded one in Texas.

People - I promise, as a mentally ill person who to this day can get irritated at being robbed by faceless billionaires as neighbors get food stamps (who work there), I am a thief.

I never steal from living beings - just corporations.  I have the arrest record to prove that, thank you.

It began BTW, in 1974.  I was 14.  Corporations people, are not human beings, and since by my rather unique morality they are growing on public ground, they are no different to me than an apple tree in the woods.

I like apples.

Hell, I'm in the thieves Union.  To quote Michelle Jones of Park Center on my application for disability, "During the periods when Mister Hubertz clearly required hospitalization, he has been without exception incarcerated.  Without exception.

Well, I get homesick for being in prison for stealing and keeping that bus - as yes, I'm disabled, and my addictions, bad habits, annoying personality and tendency to stay awake for days because I love the sensation of being disoriented?  NO problem, in prison.

I was diagnosed for my head injury, in prison.

You see my wealthy friends, I do not fear your for-profit prisons, as 90% of the people there are great, and
are either stubborn, poor or both.

Wealthy white men like me never get to go - but I don't respond well to violence.  Point a gun at me and hand me a piss cup, I'll piss a fluid that could be used to get 10 people high.

I'm an addict - clean today, but one day at a time.

So, wrap your head around that, as you read my profile and check my references.  My personal history is full of horrific and catastrophic achievements and personal success, and plenty of fun, tasty and providential failure.

I'll take the poor people in prison folks, you people out here vote for monsters on purpose.

For shame.

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