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Wednesday, June 26, 2019
"Fundamentals and the Practice of Modern Buddhism" (with criticism)
Reddit Link (to original article) and thought-provoking response from leadership of a Christian Worldwide Faith.
"Fundamentals and the Practice of Modern Buddhism" (with criticism)
Click either sentence above to go directly to original articles/essay. This presentation sponsored by the Pierpoint-Hamilton Foundation and a grant from Right Hand Enterprises of NE Indiana.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
"America has no allies, America is not our friend - they are our Overlords." - Le Monde
Dateline: Paris; June 25, 2018 - Both the illustrious LeMonde international daily newspaper and the left-wing bulwark news outlet "Libertare" are reporting that an extraordinary session of the Lower Assembly of France's Parliament are meeting in emergency session to discuss the potential necessity of direct military action against the United States and its assets worldwide.
Targeting American bullying through worldwide military and economic dominance, the French are seeking to lead an international coalition to wrest control of the world's oceans, resources, policies and financial systems from what they dub is "A Super-Power rushing the world headlong into conflict, starvation and war."
(America is) "A Super-Power rushing the world headlong into conflict, starvation and war." (Der Spiegel 6/25/2019)
(clickable link)
This newly initiated and unprecedented multi-nation action is being led by France's newly Progressive Macron government, two of France's top international French-language news outlets are posting stories confirming that the Lower Assembly of the French Parliament and the government headed by French President Emmanuel Macron are locked in a marathon pre-holiday sessions regarding wide-ranging international restrictions and trade/economic sanctions against the US.
In a startling related development, it appears these meetings include top-level representatives of the full European Union as well as top governmental and military leaders from across Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
A large Chinese delegation of both military and government leaders have just arrived at Charles DeGaulle airport via high-speed Chinese military transport aircraft and a motorcade is moving swiftly to the meeting site. Russia, while not officially an ally of the United States and the Trump Administration, appears to not be participating in this emergency meeting.
Citing a series of late-night tweets from @realDonaldTrump and @MikePence cabinet ministers, senior military officials and French Premiere Macron are hosting the primary meeting at a secret, heavily guarded military bunker complex located just outside the French capital.

Their stated goal? To reassert global sovereignty of all nations and regain control of international naval trade and financial markets worldwide.
The population of France appears to be solidly united behind this initiative.
World Military and Civilian Leaders Gather in France in Secretive Meeting as Troops roll toward waiting ships
Cheering crowds line the streets of French industrial and military communities, and in an interview with groups of hundreds of "yellow vest" onlookers holding a silent candlelight vigil at the entrance to French Charge de Militaire offices in Lille shows broad support for what is happening. "This is long overdue" (seems to be the abiding sentiment).
The Yellow Vests through their loose-knit organizational leadership are indicating that the Gilets Jaune movement is busy at this hour tearing down barricades and removing roadblocks to aid troop movements now happening throughout France.
They are resolute about the potential for conflict with the US:
"It is about time these American bullies and beasts who rule the world on behalf of the wealthy receive the same treatment they have been subjecting the world to for nearly two generations."
The leftist French populist newspaper Libertare is leading a special morning edition with this shocking headline:
"Liberté, égalité, fraternité - le monde en a assez de la domination américaine"
(Liberty, Equality, Fraternity - the World has had enough of US rule)
"All of France, indeed ordinary people of all civilized nations have had enough of American war-profiteering and unfettered violence for profit." Claims an editorial attributed to and countersigned by the entire editorial leadership of nine major French news outlets. In an unprecedented joint editorial statement penned in part by elder statesman and conflict policy analyst Noam Chomsky, the editorial continues
As a foundational elder (co-leader) of a rather secretive 490 year old worldwide cross-denominational "faith" (actually a set of practices), allow me to thank you for this important post.
If only 10% of so called "Christians" and a lot more so called "Catholics" (non Pope Francis) would think and believe as you Buddhists do, we human beings might have a tiny chance of saving this planet for oxygen breathing life - species extinction is the only outcome if we do not change now.
No more warning track, no wall. Cliff with jagged rocks, and a million year fall. Dying, by the billions... for perhaps 2500 years. Then....
Maybe 10,000 years, with not quite enough of us to successfully avoid genetic entanglement and species extinction. Not enough breeding pairs.
SCIENCE you idiots. How can you not accept reality as the living word OF GOD?
Sir, as a theologian and scholar, I assure you that now and always I am a Purdue-trained Man, and a Scientist.
Fake news? People - Reality exists, Right and Wrong Behavior exist, and Reality you see, will exact whatever price it feels we have earned.
By the way, during the life of that fellow "Your Lord and Savior", that human being with special abilities and yes, connection to the infinite - the guy Jesus? The one your "superiors" (wealthy) say that "Jesus needs you to kneel ?" That is horrific.
My Christian brethren, as a rabbi - read Shapiro to see Jesus. During Jesus' day, Reality and God? Same word.^ (ref below)
*End, Part One
..........................................*Part Two
Dear People, ALL of you. Especially these so called "religion" people.
We beg you, listen. We have a few real answers. We know and respect your Savior, we share that!
BUT In your book, in your language, remember: Your Gospel, *Rich Guy*/*Camel*/*Eye of Needle*. Rich Man knelt and Jesus mocked him, "I am flesh like you."
Look it up you victims of 1500 years of an addiction called greed.
NO not just corporate/wealthy greed? NO Not a conspiracy. SCIENCE.
- "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutly" Now proven by neurochemical analysis, POWER makes Cocaine look like Halloween Candy, and it destroys the moral fabric of those who touch it.
Give. It. All. Away (as fast as you earn) If not, the power is like crack that likes the addicted to start WARS.
For shame - can't you people see we Anabaptist are in heavenly bliss while your own family members live and die under your bridges and in your cages?
I'm not upset, but if you pause, if you use your experience and your mind, remember the horrible lonely failures in your own life.
Remember the helpless feeling. Why do you non-Anabaptist people insist on suffering, making mistakes, being afraid, getting old.... why do you DEMAND to be allowed to do this alone.
Life is not easy, and it has terrible failures for every single person. SHARE that, and share your material goods. By doing this, you will help others enough that the day YOU are crying in shame, everybody will help you because you ALWAYS help them.
Be the perfect stranger - help anyone in need.
Then you will inevitably need help someday, and know enough to cry out, reach out - not to family or so-called "friends", to STRANGERS.
Strangers - helping strangers. That is where the miracles are.
Be the Perfect Stranger, Like Jesus was - and all those other good saviors and saints and angels.
We are all the same, but you suffer in silence and are destroying yourselves, and the world we must share.
Look, we don't like having to reveal even that the "Ordinary" Anabaptist faith exists, but we have felt compelled to speak out.
We LIKED being secretive, but we had to break the code.
Peace - as we are all Brothers and Sisters..... being totally equal does not imply or suggest we should be the same. Difference is where the learning is. The friction, of truth against truth, lights the lamp that illuminates the world.
BE thou a light unto the world.
John Hubertz,
Carl Zehr Professor of Moral Economics and Theology,
New Hope Peace Academy (worldwide),
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
^ Quote source: Shapiro Translation, Pirke Avot, Wisdom of the Jewish Sages
As a foundational elder (co-leader) of a rather secretive 490 year old worldwide cross-denominational "faith" (actually a set of practices), allow me to thank you for this important post.
If only 10% of so called "Christians" and a lot more so called "Catholics" (non Pope Francis) would think and believe as you Buddhists do, we human beings might have a tiny chance of saving this planet for oxygen breathing life - species extinction is the only outcome if we do not change now.
No more warning track, no wall. Cliff with jagged rocks, and a million year fall. Dying, by the billions... for perhaps 2500 years. Then....
Maybe 10,000 years, with not quite enough of us to successfully avoid genetic entanglement and species extinction. Not enough breeding pairs.
SCIENCE you idiots. How can you not accept reality as the living word OF GOD?
Sir, as a theologian and scholar, I assure you that now and always I am a Purdue-trained Man, and a Scientist.
Fake news? People - Reality exists, Right and Wrong Behavior exist, and Reality you see, will exact whatever price it feels we have earned.
By the way, during the life of that fellow "Your Lord and Savior", that human being with special abilities and yes, connection to the infinite - the guy Jesus? The one your "superiors" (wealthy) say that "Jesus needs you to kneel ?" That is horrific.
My Christian brethren, as a rabbi - read Shapiro to see Jesus. During Jesus' day, Reality and God? Same word.^ (ref below)
*End, Part One
..........................................*Part Two
Dear People, ALL of you. Especially these so called "religion" people.
We beg you, listen. We have a few real answers. We know and respect your Savior, we share that!
BUT In your book, in your language, remember: Your Gospel, *Rich Guy*/*Camel*/*Eye of Needle*. Rich Man knelt and Jesus mocked him, "I am flesh like you."
Look it up you victims of 1500 years of an addiction called greed.
NO not just corporate/wealthy greed? NO Not a conspiracy. SCIENCE.
- "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutly" Now proven by neurochemical analysis, POWER makes Cocaine look like Halloween Candy, and it destroys the moral fabric of those who touch it.
Give. It. All. Away (as fast as you earn) If not, the power is like crack that likes the addicted to start WARS.
For shame - can't you people see we Anabaptist are in heavenly bliss while your own family members live and die under your bridges and in your cages?
I'm not upset, but if you pause, if you use your experience and your mind, remember the horrible lonely failures in your own life.
Remember the helpless feeling. Why do you non-Anabaptist people insist on suffering, making mistakes, being afraid, getting old.... why do you DEMAND to be allowed to do this alone.
Life is not easy, and it has terrible failures for every single person. SHARE that, and share your material goods. By doing this, you will help others enough that the day YOU are crying in shame, everybody will help you because you ALWAYS help them.
Be the perfect stranger - help anyone in need.
Then you will inevitably need help someday, and know enough to cry out, reach out - not to family or so-called "friends", to STRANGERS.
Strangers - helping strangers. That is where the miracles are.
Be the Perfect Stranger, Like Jesus was - and all those other good saviors and saints and angels.
We are all the same, but you suffer in silence and are destroying yourselves, and the world we must share.
Look, we don't like having to reveal even that the "Ordinary" Anabaptist faith exists, but we have felt compelled to speak out.
We LIKED being secretive, but we had to break the code.
Peace - as we are all Brothers and Sisters..... being totally equal does not imply or suggest we should be the same. Difference is where the learning is. The friction, of truth against truth, lights the lamp that illuminates the world.
BE thou a light unto the world.
John Hubertz,
Carl Zehr Professor of Moral Economics and Theology,
New Hope Peace Academy (worldwide),
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
^ Quote source: Shapiro Translation, Pirke Avot, Wisdom of the Jewish Sages
Even American and All Western "Democracy" Maps - Are Racist
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What We Are ................What They Teach |
Part 1: Our maps are racist
Since our country is upside down with greed, corporate governance and bribed paid-for so-called "elected" officials,
I present to you evidence of how deep our corruption goes. You Pence people, despite evidence of deliberate ignorance and/or horrific Catholic single-issue abortion voting, you did go to school, perhaps?
Anyway, we have 1 planet, called "Earth". Since 5% of human beings own 95% of all that exists, apparently they don't realize that they are not alone on this sacred planet. 1 earth. Now then, lesson one is this:
Our precious maps and globes in English, German and especially, USA schools are the "Mercator Projection", a racist device to tell children white areas are much bigger than reality.
Here is a real map, upside down like a value system that wants to force birth into a country that cares not a bit for the living, unless they are wage-slaves for the wealthy.
PS: Even the color choices on American maps and globes are deliberate, and emphasize white/eurocentric nations over so called "shithole" countries.
End of Part 1
Part 2: What this means to our President, Donald J. Trump
(an open letter to the world)
I believe you are a 100% patriotic American, yet it is likely you are the grandson of an illegal immigrant from Eastern Europe who was a front for the Russian or Ukrainian or perhaps even the Serbo-Croation Mob. Not the mafia, those guys are rough - then and now.
You are from a family of the same sort of illegals as the worst of the Columbian or Mexican drug cartels, and that is totally OK also - in fact it likely is saving your life.
You know a BUNCH of Eastern European Mob Bosses, and you know it Sir, which is totally OK with me, an Ordained individual, liberal, scholar and lifelong American Patriot.
You are the right man for this moment in American and world history. Find people like my people, and they will carve your name on the surface of the MOON Sir.
You see, Worse criminals - by 1,000,000 times (body count) surround and try every instant to control you, and you know that. You are not a genius, you are better - you are smart.
They have their 180 IQs and evil schemes, Yale and Harvard, without help....
YOU have an MBA from the mean streets - A Master of Business on the damn AVENUE. They have NO idea who they are messing with, but I sure do.
I'm the last white man born in Gary, cut my teeth in Miami, New Orleans, Atlanta and Miami in business on both sides of the law.
You might also know as I do, that the criminals who surround you right now have probably failed to kill you to install their hand-picked puppet Mike Pence (of my home state sir, I KNOW what he is).
You see, Pence is a Killer - with a body count from race and economic prejudice and deliberate neglect. But like all Kristian Konservatives, he waits for a storm, a crisis or a drought - and just watches them die slow while his fellow robes.... service his dark needs.
The need for power, control and superiority over others? since I think you are what is known on TV, a "Made Guy".
Russian mob person Donald Trump, who bought buildings for use as drug houses, whorehouses and gambling dens - in New York City.
Sir, Your people were living in caves and walking barefoot in the snow while dark-skinned and yellow-skinned and brown-skinned civilized humans draped women in fine cloth, gold and pearls and built castles out of stone finer than your shithole under-code crime-financed properties, sir.
You might learn to read - but maps don't require that.... forget Pence, and BTW Mister President, I like you and admire much of your work as my President.
Compared to Bolton, Pence and McConnell Sir, you are Mother Theresa. Trouble is you are playing out of your mental weight class - and they are kicking you like a can and us into another endless profitable conflict.
Thanks again Mister President, I voted for the wrong girl.
John Hubertz
Carl Zehr Professor of Moral Economics and Theology
New Hope Peace Academy, Worldwide
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
Carl Zehr Professor of Moral Economics and Theology
New Hope Peace Academy, Worldwide
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
PS: Give me a call Sir, or have someone call - I have a wall design that every liberal in the world will support 100%. Hint: Count butterflies, spiders and mole rats.... using ROTC science students at University sponsored research stations.

PPPS: I Sir, am not proud of it - but I am an addict. My father was a decorated WWII combat officer, my daughter Loretta is in your Army via Purdue ROTC. I am now and always a good citizen, and my personal and professional history demonstrates that, but sir - addiction and mental illness, are health
problems, not opportunities to harvest slaves for a prison economy. No country in human history has locked up even 33% of the population we consider "normal", in Mike Pence/Robert Bolton's wonderful tax-financed prisons.
America - for shame.
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America, 2025. Last chance Sir, HELP USAbout the New Hope Project |
Monday, June 24, 2019
Artificial Intelligence, Wal-Mart and the Militarization of Greed

Well, Wal-Mart announced they are linking their million plus security cameras to a deep mind neural network with CIA grade facial recognition.
This means blood on our streets, because about 12% of the USA economy is theft by desperate people from evil, soulless, greedy, immortal beasts called corporations
I will accept that a corporation is human the day they execute a retarded one in Texas.

People - I promise, as a mentally ill person who to this day can get irritated at being robbed by faceless billionaires as neighbors get food stamps (who work there), I am a thief.
I never steal from living beings - just corporations. I have the arrest record to prove that, thank you.
It began BTW, in 1974. I was 14. Corporations people, are not human beings, and since by my rather unique morality they are growing on public ground, they are no different to me than an apple tree in the woods.
I like apples.
Hell, I'm in the thieves Union. To quote Michelle Jones of Park Center on my application for disability, "During the periods when Mister Hubertz clearly required hospitalization, he has been without exception incarcerated. Without exception.
Well, I get homesick for being in prison for stealing and keeping that bus - as yes, I'm disabled, and my addictions, bad habits, annoying personality and tendency to stay awake for days because I love the sensation of being disoriented? NO problem, in prison.
I was diagnosed for my head injury, in prison.
You see my wealthy friends, I do not fear your for-profit prisons, as 90% of the people there are great, and
Wealthy white men like me never get to go - but I don't respond well to violence. Point a gun at me and hand me a piss cup, I'll piss a fluid that could be used to get 10 people high.
I'm an addict - clean today, but one day at a time.
So, wrap your head around that, as you read my profile and check my references. My personal history is full of horrific and catastrophic achievements and personal success, and plenty of fun, tasty and providential failure.
I'll take the poor people in prison folks, you people out here vote for monsters on purpose.
For shame.
Living Catholic Saints alive and working in Fort Wayne, Indiana
Not all prophecy is in the Bible. This book, quoted below, outsold the Holy Bible for six years. The J.K. Rowling of his day, Richard Bach had made tens of millions of dollars on his first book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
As he says in the introduction, he did not wish to write again - as writing is and was a painful, difficult and frustrating craft. Art is never finished, merely abandoned.
If you wish to be in the presence of God's holy grace, the promises of Jesus at the Ascension fulfilled in daily life, visit Saint Henry's, in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Paul and Father Dan are my teachers, and to a limited extent, my friends. You see, I grew up here - and am typing this in my Father's house, now long dead - my father's house, 200 yards from the church front door.
My parents walked to church Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday - plus Sundays in the car, for nearly 70 years. Saints run in my family - seven on my Mother's side, including the Blessed Mother Guerin of Indiana, my great X5 aunt.
I know the signs - and if you need a burning bush, come on over. Miracles abound around here like baby rabbits.
John Hubertz
New Hope Project
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
Illusions, Chapter one, By Richard Bach, 1977
As he says in the introduction, he did not wish to write again - as writing is and was a painful, difficult and frustrating craft. Art is never finished, merely abandoned.
If you wish to be in the presence of God's holy grace, the promises of Jesus at the Ascension fulfilled in daily life, visit Saint Henry's, in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Paul and Father Dan are my teachers, and to a limited extent, my friends. You see, I grew up here - and am typing this in my Father's house, now long dead - my father's house, 200 yards from the church front door.
My parents walked to church Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday - plus Sundays in the car, for nearly 70 years. Saints run in my family - seven on my Mother's side, including the Blessed Mother Guerin of Indiana, my great X5 aunt.
I know the signs - and if you need a burning bush, come on over. Miracles abound around here like baby rabbits.
John Hubertz
New Hope Project
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
Illusions, Chapter one, By Richard Bach, 1977
1. There was a Master come unto the Earth,
raised in the Holy Land of Indiana, and raised
in the mystical hills East of Fort Wayne.
raised in the Holy Land of Indiana, and raised
in the mystical hills East of Fort Wayne.
2. The Master learned his trade and grew in the
public schools of Indiana, and as he grew in his
trade as a mechanic of buildings and automobiles.
But the Master as he grew remembered other
lands and other schools, from other lives that
he had lived. He remembered these, and
remembering, became wise and strong,
so that others saw his strength and came to him
for counsel.
4. He believed that He had power to help himself and all
mankind, and as he believed, so it was for him, so that
others saw his power and came to him to be healed of their
troubles and their many diseases.
5. The Master believed that it is well for any man to think
of himself as a Son or Daughter of God, and as he believed,
so it was, and the shops and garages and church became
crowded and jammed with those who sought his learning and
his touch, and the streets outside with those who longed only
that the shadow of his passing might fall upon them,
And Change Their Lives.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Cease and Desist order filed by major Christian faith against Mike Pence
Announcement of Completion of Participation in Major Public Health Study - New Hope School
Since this was our first freshman class, this is a personal story of two individuals.
They shall remain anonymous as this press release is a pre-publication description of process, not full verifiable or statistical results.
So, here we are in Fort Wayne, as with the support of a grant funded by regional agencies, we volunteered to be a data collection center for this geographic area for an international UN health study.
An Epidemic - in Indiana.
(spread by faith-based initiatives, spearheaded by ex-governor Mike Pence)
As I am a Purdue-trained man, I went and got eye protection. We don't want anybody doing this fun task to wind up being known as "Doctor Careful" for the rest of his life. Ah! Science!
Thus, we began - like intrepid explorers.
We have work to do.
We have work to do.
"To task gentleman!"
"Off your butts and out of the huts."
"Watson! the game is afoot."
Joyously donning our rather stained yet sturdy lab coats (both of them at once), two men received a box of specimen bottles and some shipping instructions.
And lots of rubber gloves.
We collected human waste from sewer systems in about eight zip codes - using internationally sanctioned methods of collection and retrieval. Very detailed stuff. Real big-lab university science. On our kitchen table here at the school.
So - now, our one solitary science student, and one of our learned instructors (MS, Miami of Ohio) have participated in an international research project now being completed by the United Nations Council on Human Rights.
Primarily in the United States and in other "faith based" cultures such as Central Africa, the Phillipines and Cambodia, a vast majority of long-term prisoners have been found guilty of selling or consuming "illegal" substances like heroin, marijuana, khat, spice, fentanyl, cocaine, etc.
Study Essentials:
Since addiction and drug possession is a public health and not criminal issue in science based nations
and cultures (example, Judaism, modern Islam, Nation of Islam, Portugal, Switzerland, Iceland) and this perspective is making addiction numbers drop, the UNCHR got involved.
First of all, as founding agency of what has now become LEAP (Law Enforcers Against Prohibition), know that the New Hope Project has devoted countless hours of research (local and direct, international and statistically) countless hours to fully understand this:
Drug Prohibition Creates Addicts
as Surely as Kicking an Anthill Produces Visible and Dangerous Ants

Any person who uses moralism or powers of dictatorship and/or state-sponsored violence to harm people who are already vulnerable or sick is a public health emergency.
It being sick is illegal - if you are poor, it is not public policy, it is social genocide of people who have a genetic disability.
They do not entrap, under-treat and/or incarcerate the blind or the deaf, but addiction - with identical parabolas of statistical certainty, is just as much a genetic predisposition, admittedly one triggered by one moment, one dose, one sin, one crime - for once an addict touches his or her "drug of choice" it unlocks a door in the mind that can NEVER, EVER BE CLOSED.
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Oh - I know, as I made that moral/criminal error 31 years ago, in Mobile Alabama. Like most "new" addicts, the prohibition infected me, as that young woman was both addicted, and desperate enough to offer me sex for money.
Hell, I just wanted some grass, but nobody in Mobile in 1988 would sell marijuana to an unknown white guy in $200 shoes driving a new Ford. Nobody.
"Would you like some cocaine?" She asked....
"Oh yes!" "I love it!" (I'd snorted it a few dozen times, with no effect other then preparing me for the sex she was offering with her every unspoken movement and breathless flirtatious smile.
Ah, youth.
So, the cocaine arrives. Eureka! It is solid chunks! OMG real Peruvian flake right off the boat!
I got busy crushing it - preparing to snort.
"What the hell are you doing???" "Here, let me show you.... " And she removed her left earring, and showed me how to make a can-pipe out of a coca-cola can and ashes.
Friends, I knew three DAYS later I was an addict. As a Purdue man, I'm relatively aware of a massive shift in behavior, and an unceasing new hunger that made my tobacco addiction as annoying as a mosquito bite.
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My old office, |
SO - addiction. Instant, lifelong addiction. Welcome to my world.
Addicts and their families are both obvious, and vulnerable to harm. If you can harm an addict, families or the addict will work for free in your prisons or give the state system of "justice" all their money.
This link is to a seminal study - and proves that rich people everywhere use more narcotics and hard drugs than the poor. This hypothesis is rather self-evident, as wealthy people can afford more drugs, and addiction rates (being genetically predetermined) are consistent, with or without money in your community.
The New Hope project and our Anabaptist Cross-Denominational Free Seminary and Peace Academy are honored to have gathered samples.
We would like to thank the local water districts and the Purdue extension office for their advice, consent and support. We also enjoyed meeting so many local union laborers who maintain our sewers. Without exception they were lively, gifted and talented skilled workers, with dirt under their fingernails and a commitment to labor (sometimes for 24 hours in one day) to provide us with safe drinking water by disposing of waste using science, gravity and a bit of a strong stomach.
Let us stop preying upon sick people in the name of profit, with Jesus as an excuse.
Mike Pence, you are the worst of a surly lot of hypocrites, and human beings should not be kindling for your book-burnings. Stop it sir - cease and desist.
John Hubertz
Carl Zehr Professor of Moral Economics and Chancellor of the University (with)
The associated faculty and student body
New Hope Peace Academy (worldwide)
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Thursday, June 20, 2019
News from Tomorrow, Today - World Gathers in France to Implement Sanctions against the United States
Dateline: Paris; June 25, 2018 - Both the illustrious LeMonde international daily newspaper and the left-wing bulwark news outlet "Libertare" are reporting that an extraordinary session of the Lower Assembly of France's Parliament are meeting in emergency session to discuss the potential necessity of direct military action against the United States and its assets worldwide.
Targeting American bullying through worldwide military and economic dominance, the French are seeking to lead an international coalition to wrest control of the world's oceans, resources, policies and financial systems from what they dub is "A Super-Power rushing the world headlong into conflict, starvation and war."
(America is) "A Super-Power rushing the world heading into conflict, starvation and war."
*clickable link*
This newly initiated and unprecedented multi-nation action is being led by France's newly Progressive Macron government, two of France's top international French-language news outlets are posting stories confirming that the Lower Assembly of the French Parliament and the government headed by French President Emmanuel Macron are locked in a marathon pre-holiday sessions regarding wide-ranging international restrictions and trade/economic sanctions against the US.
In a startling related development, it appears these meetings include top-level representatives of the full European Union as well as top governmental and military leaders from across Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
A large Chinese delegation of both military and government leaders have just arrived at Charles DeGaulle airport via high-speed Chinese military transport aircraft and a motorcade is moving swiftly to the meeting site. Russia, while not officially an ally of the United States and the Trump Administration, appears to not be participating in this emergency meeting.
Citing a series of late-night tweets from @realDonaldTrump and @MikePence cabinet ministers, senior military officials and French Premiere Macron are hosting the primary meeting at a secret, heavily guarded military bunker complex located just outside the French capital.

Their stated goal? To reassert global sovereignty of all nations and regain control of international naval trade and financial markets worldwide.
The population of France appears to be solidly united behind this initiative.
Cheering crowds line the streets of French industrial and military communities, and in an interview with groups of hundreds of "yellow vest" onlookers holding a silent candlelight vigil at the entrance to French Charge de Militaire offices in Lille shows broad support for what is happening. "This is long overdue" (seems to be the abiding sentiment).
The Yellow Vests through their loose-knit organizational leadership are indicating that the Gilets Jaune movement is busy at this hour tearing down barricades and removing roadblocks to aid troop movements now happening throughout France.
They are resolute about the potential for conflict with the US:
"It is about time these American bullies and beasts who rule the world on behalf of the wealthy receive the same treatment they have been subjecting the world to for nearly two generations."
The leftist French populist newspaper Libertare is leading a special morning edition with this shocking headline:
"Liberté, égalité, fraternité - le monde en a assez de la domination américaine"
(Liberty, Equality, Fraternity - the World has had enough of US rule)
"All of France, indeed ordinary people of all civilized nations have had enough of American war-profiteering and unfettered violence for profit." Claims an editorial attributed to and countersigned by the entire editorial leadership of nine major French news outlets. In an unprecedented joint editorial statement penned in part by elder statesman and conflict policy analyst Noam Chomsky, the editorial continues
"The world is beyond weary of burying the bodies of combatants and innocent civilians in conflicts best described as war on behalf of monied interests and United States determination to force regime change to secure Colonialist control of rich and poor nations around the world."
The editorial bears the signatures of 65 editors and media opinion leaders from Europe and around the world. Excerpts:
"There is no hope whatsoever for meaningful action to combat climate change, nor can we as citizens of sovereign nations regain control of our own policies and economic activity while we remain under the thumb of American manipulation and the shadow of American foreign policy on behalf of the rich."
"May God have mercy on us if we fail in this effort - as without suppression of American military might the planet is doomed."
Citing examples as diverse as humanitarian policies being crushed to prevent action to save the lives of those involved in mass migration and recent revelations that uncovered worldwide American mass surveillance of both national leaders and private citizens who oppose war and American hegemony, one French minister responded to cheering crowds as he was hustled through barricades to the closed-door meeting "It is about time we the people of all free nations stood up for ourselves against the Imperialist forces of America."
"America has no allies, America is not our friend - they are our Overlords."
While reports conflict regarding the unprecedented and unannounced closed-door meeting, sources close to Macron disclose that world powers are finalizing details of immediate deployment of a NATO-like coalition which will include "all available" French troops as well as a French-led International Naval Flotilla assembling overnight in the English Channel and off the coast of Portugal and Ireland.
"This is about sovereignty."
Worldwide action against US intervention and US trade and economic interests now seem inevitable as wide swaths of both European, Middle East and Southeast Asian "allies" of the US regime are at this time escorting and ejecting lobbyist groups and representatives of multinational corporate entitities groups from their capitals.
There are also efforts to isolate American embassies and personnel and as well as diplomatic and military representatives of puppet regimes around the world who are perceived to be American proxies on the world stage.
"We cannot effectively respond or react to the demands of the Yellow Vests without triggering a flurry of international manipulation and response from US embassies and the various agencies of the United States who manipulate our affairs on behalf of the super-rich."
"The United States has been implementing massive interventions worldwide to crush human rights and environmental action to bully us into submission and prevent the protection of migrants and the world's poorer and weaker nations."
"Nous disons ASSEZ c'est assez"
(enough is enough)
Even the Swiss defense forces are involved, making unprecedented moves to join the multinational force in an obvious breach of their 90 year policy of pure neutrality. The Swiss have dispatched a garrison of support troops and a full armored division, and they are already streaming down the Autobahn in Germany and being loaded with great urgency onto Deutsche Marine military transport vessels at the bustling military harbor located near Neustadt/Holstein.
Indeed, at bases throughout Europe and West Africa, battle hardened troop and equipment transport ships flying the flags of up to 11 nations are loading combat-ready troops. Also unprecedented is their obvious urgency as the world's oceans are currently being crisscrossed by military vessels steaming at record speeds. A massive international armada is being assembled off the German, Belgian, French and Portugese coastlines.
One senior Spanish naval official stated in response to concerns about looming war: "I cannot predict the actions of our leaders, but I assure you this is the largest single military deployment since World War II."
"The ironic truth is most of (the participating nations) purchased this equipment from United States military manufacturers using funds borrowed from the United States government under the guise of so-called foreign aid."
Italian sailors who were seen running through the streets of Venice and Napoli toward numerous landing craft roaring in and out of Naval docks overnight were overheard to say:
"I must call my family - This is not a drill."
Meanwhile on the West coast of France both French and Belgian troops are erecting hardened staging areas on land still scarred from WWII D-Day landings.
One area that has been isolated by miles of concertina wire ironically is "Omaha beach" and hovercraft troop and supply carriers can be heard as much as 100KM inland while they shuttle material, men and equipment to the growing international armada of ships offshore.
Apparently virtually all French and most European assets from the Mediterranean basin to the North Sea are steaming toward the channel at breakneck speed. There is no evidence at this time that the government of the UK is participating in this deployment.
According to Janes Military Weekly live blog, "At no time in modern naval history have we seen such stunning demonstrations of speed from the world's navies." Carl Pelutnar of Jane's continues, "Under any sort of normal conditions nations go to extraordinary lengths to hide sea trials and tests of top speeds for their ships of the line and support vessels."
"Speed records that seemed well established are being shattered as clearly the home-grown military capability of non-USA combatants have been developed in secrecy for decades, and they are demonstrating capabilities that exceed those of the US forces. These capabilities have not been previously demonstrated or witnessed by international observers."
"Many of these warships would appear to have been developed specifically to meet or exceed the performance of the latest US hardware."
"In our opinion this is a game-changer... (reflecting as it does a direct assault on US rule of the seas) the nations of the world appear poised to confront and blockade American ports and American military assets in Europe and especially on the East coast of the United States."
This sobering reality is not unexpected, since for decades the United States markets have long been a world leader in "Blood Money" (investment in war manufacture and conflict focused equities). "Perhaps most disturbing is that this deployment and anti-US sentiment on behalf of both Government and billions on behalf of NGO capital management groups have triggered massive investment overnight by algorithm driven US funds that operate independently of human control.
Near frenzy is sweeping both the Shanghai trading floor which began at 1:00AM GST and overnight futures markets (especially in oil and war material production ) worldwide appear to be heavily investing in companies which will benefit from an expensive and prolonged worldwide military contract. One looming truth is that corporations associated with the production of Nuclear devices have surged nearly 17% in value in the last 12 hours.
Near frenzy is sweeping both the Shanghai trading floor which began at 1:00AM GST and overnight futures markets (especially in oil and war material production ) worldwide appear to be heavily investing in companies which will benefit from an expensive and prolonged worldwide military contract. One looming truth is that corporations associated with the production of Nuclear devices have surged nearly 17% in value in the last 12 hours.
"It surprises us that USA stock and mutual fund investment seems to be betting so heavily against their home country in any upcoming military or combination of both military and sanction activity aimed against squarely against the USA and US-led interests around the world."
"Even American-owned trading players who dominate world markets with "The Cheat" (Aritificial Intelligence controlled real-time trading, which profits in milliseconds and is responsible for some 67% of all commodities and equity trades worldwide." The head of Germany's Bundesbank cartel of European economic partners and economies has stated in a Reuters interview before dawn this morning. "These AI driven American resources and all multinational centres of wealth and power controlled by worldwide family dynasties are perceived as betting heavily against the United States of America in the looming and perhaps unavaoidable conflict."
In a marathon session that began at approximately 11:20PM Paris time, extraordinary action up to and including entering direct conflict against the United States of America. This action appears to be in solidarity with numerous UN and NATO member nations formally allied with US interests, and is occurring without notifying the UN security council.
Although at this time conflict has not been engaged, near-global war against United States military forces seems likely within the next 72 hours.
As of 4:20 AM local time, Paris' streets are alive with troop movements and obvious activity involving senior officials of the Charge de Militare and French Cabinet ministries, with a constant stream of junior staff and policy analysts being ushered under heavy military guard into the underground bunker that has not had official use since the end of France's involvement in the early Vietnam conflict.
France, and indeed five separate European Socialist democracies are abuzz with rumors of looming economic sanctions against the USA. Early trading at both the Shanghai exchange and on broader Asian markets show strong movement away from US-dependent corporate assets and a flood of capital toward military/industrial corporations perceived to be fully independent from American dominance and control.
A confidential source within the command structure being formed responded thusly when asked if this conflict and embargo has an official name. He responded instantly:
"We are not children, nor like the Americans do we mock the horrific necessity of armed or economic conflict with a "brand name" like the liars who sold us "Desert Storm".
Wars do not have names, wars have casualties - those are the names that matter.
So, for now we will just repeat the worldwide theme....
"Nous disons ASSEZ c'est assez"
(enough is enough)
human rights,
Jimmy Carter,
John Hubertz,
New Hope Peace Academy,
Nobel Prize,
United States Military,
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Genuine burning bush in Ohio
I'm a scientist, who grew to faith as an atheist/agnostic trying to understand why my Catholic and Catholic/Anabaptist Mother and Father went to mass, 7 days a week.
For 63 years.
So - I went looking. "Seek and ye shall find."
I discovered a 700+ year history of Catholic Sainthood in my Mother's line, and the strange fact (now being proven through quantum research and the concept of the "One Electron Universe) that what many call "God" seems to.... hang around.
Anyway, It (not He, It) pointed this out:
"If you want evidence I exist, you might just remember for at least 6000 years of recorded human history, you tried to fly.
So, burning bush: Ohio USA, you tell me THIS isn't a miracle, and I will happily eat your soiled atheist/agnostic/fundamentalist/budhist/wiccan shorts.
For 63 years.
So - I went looking. "Seek and ye shall find."
I discovered a 700+ year history of Catholic Sainthood in my Mother's line, and the strange fact (now being proven through quantum research and the concept of the "One Electron Universe) that what many call "God" seems to.... hang around.
Anyway, It (not He, It) pointed this out:
"If you want evidence I exist, you might just remember for at least 6000 years of recorded human history, you tried to fly.
So, burning bush: Ohio USA, you tell me THIS isn't a miracle, and I will happily eat your soiled atheist/agnostic/fundamentalist/budhist/wiccan shorts.
TIL The first man to fly and the first man to walk on the moon were alive at the same time. Neil Armstrong was 17 when Orville Wright died. by [deleted] in todayilearned
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Ode to a Woman named Anne
Dear Anne,
I thought a bit about your idea we should keep our earliest correspondence, and I am happy that you consider these notes to be both fun, interesting and just maybe..... something our grandchildren might read and blush or smile.
However, this request overlaps with what New Hope is, and what it is not.
So, here is my reply - I guess it is a poem of sorts, but it does not rhyme:
I thought a bit about your idea we should keep our earliest correspondence, and I am happy that you consider these notes to be both fun, interesting and just maybe..... something our grandchildren might read and blush or smile.
However, this request overlaps with what New Hope is, and what it is not.
So, here is my reply - I guess it is a poem of sorts, but it does not rhyme:
Subject: Re: This is our perspective....
Life is a gospel
Every home a temple
Every table an altar
Every moment of truth with compassion, a sacramental gathering
We choose to not write the new experiences and literal, old-testament interactions we are having with quite literally, an interactive presence - a "burning bush" of sorts, that has been part of my family's lineage for hundreds if not thousands of years.
This presence - and it has no gender, is what most would refer to as "God."
So, this is a serious and important idea, and thus I prayed - and the response was clear if not written on a stone wall or accompanied by a pillar of fire.... sometimes the voice is gentle, and simply.... replies, but it is yet is not a reply made of words.
The meaning is clear.
Dear Anne, We should not write down the Gospel of this moment, our growing friendship, although the temptation is very real. Here is why:
For too many generations, in too many cultures and languages and faiths, those books are used as kindling to burn down the world.
Thus - let us keep writing this story - fresh each day, and if we make errors (as I certainly have, to my dismay) let us remember, Each day is a new beginning, born anew - cleansed of sin.
This is the foundation of something permanent - my friendship with Beverly - but sometime, perhaps in the dark, I will reach out with trembling fingers and touch you.... perhaps..... and if you seem, interested..... I will whisper something to you, and call you (whispering) sweet.... sweet Anne :)
And our world for one moment will unite with whatever God is, and heaven - the eternity of the moment, will be ours, like a lightning bug in a bottle on a warm August night.
We are sore from hard work, challenging moments and lots of prayer. Today is the feast of Saint Barnabas, apostle of Jesus, the Saint of Encouragement.
Every home a temple
Every table an altar
Every moment of truth with compassion, a sacramental gathering
We choose to not write the new experiences and literal, old-testament interactions we are having with quite literally, an interactive presence - a "burning bush" of sorts, that has been part of my family's lineage for hundreds if not thousands of years.
For too many generations, in too many cultures and languages and faiths, those books are used as kindling to burn down the world.
Thus - let us keep writing this story - fresh each day, and if we make errors (as I certainly have, to my dismay) let us remember, Each day is a new beginning, born anew - cleansed of sin.
This is the foundation of something permanent - my friendship with Beverly - but sometime, perhaps in the dark, I will reach out with trembling fingers and touch you.... perhaps..... and if you seem, interested..... I will whisper something to you, and call you (whispering) sweet.... sweet Anne :)
And our world for one moment will unite with whatever God is, and heaven - the eternity of the moment, will be ours, like a lightning bug in a bottle on a warm August night.
We are sore from hard work, challenging moments and lots of prayer. Today is the feast of Saint Barnabas, apostle of Jesus, the Saint of Encouragement.
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