Thursday, December 13, 2018

We stand together - 20,000 strong, we of New Hope. After 500 years of silence we are compelled by the Lord God to speak to the world.

Rejoice and be glad, for he is risen.  The Lord Jesus has returned and again walks among us.


Who are we and how can we claim this is true?

We are the Anabaptist - not the Amish or Mennonite of whom you perhaps are aware, but a group of us who did not flee persecution and certain death, to America - we did move, but not to America.

We populate all continents, speak dozens of languages, practice all major faiths....   Yet each of us follows the Savior's path, and the faith of our sacred cultures and family, unless we feel profound and personal calls to convert as an individual choice.

The Anabaptist you see, never seeks to convince or convert.  You know many of our brethren as Amish - and yet no person on this earth has ever answered the door to find a man or woman, who asks "Excuse me, would you like to learn how to ride a buggy?"

That is not our way - we are fiercely private, fiercely independent, and had to flee or hide, as we were being slaughtered for our faith.

Over 500 years ago, one of our leaders said these words - we were then killed like animals, and had to flee or die.  For being Anabaptist?  Oh no - the Lutherans a few short years before had broken that boundary....  no, it was not our faith, it was our doctrine of belief.

We believe in sharing.

So they began to kill us like dogs in the street. 

(clickable link)

We stayed in Europe - outwardly Catholic, Lutheran, even Jewish or of Islamic faiths, but in private, and in our lives and actions, we are Anabaptist.

For 500 years we remained silent, among you - yet apart.  Our personal values, our commitment to kindness, faith, peace and respect for all people, for all living things and to stewardship of this earth we share...  is different from others.

A handful of years ago, some of us felt the call to break 500 years of tradition, private worship and silence...   we are compelled to speak.  The world is in great peril, and the clouds of war are on every horizon once again.

The time is now.

Countless numbers of people still alive ARE the promised return of your Messiah, your Jesus, your Buddha, your Prophet, your Gandhi, your Roosevelt, your Kennedy....

If you require the carved tablets, the Ark of the Covenant, the Burning Bush, John the Baptist in the River...  New Hope can take you to them.

What you do with them, how you use them, is up to you.

We simply try to fully understand and express the voice of God, the truth of God, and what we are to do now.

We are New Hope.

Not a "church" (we build no empty halls or buildings)

Not a "religion"

A dogma - a pattern of thought, speech and above all, action.

Lives of compassion, always seeking the truth, and to help the next stranger - to be of service if we can.

We, and of course I personally, are rather strange and unique, but we are just people -  not special or somehow, uniquely born to this task.  It just     is.

We can point to evidence of a set of truths, of culture, going back hundreds of years, and that evidence leads to the path.

This path has been for centuries, in almost every culture and language, rather clearly marked by Jesus (for us), by Buddha, by MLK, by Gandhi.  It is perhaps deceptive in its surprising simplicity.  It is not "hard" - it is joyous, but, it must be learned.

Not something innate - not normally.  That is what makes Jesus, Buddha, Tecumseh, so extraordinary.

No faith of good intent is superior to another....   more will be said on this later.

To summarize the first section of Reverend James Earl Carter (President Carter) in his latest book - All major faiths and most smaller ones, true faiths with truth and good intentions at their core, have beliefs in a deity, goals, moral standards and value systems so similar that they are effectively, the same truth.

That however, stands in opposition to most so-called "Christian" faiths...  and certainly is not the belief of Super Religious Vice President Mike Pence, or other "Paulinian" so called Christians.

The Gospels of Paul - the letters as he built Jesus into a moneymaking machine, read and follow with care.  Not very consistent the man - or the life, of Jesus of Nazareth.

Ex-President/Reverend/Doctor/Nuclear Submarine Captain James Earl Carter Junior's book is called "Faith."  It is not real churchy, but it is a good read.  Nobel Prize people - for merit, not popularity.

He speaks truth, without varnish.  A quality we admire.    He like many of us never seems to seek to convert nor convince - he wants you to uplift and honor bring the faith you learned at home, or your own thoughts, hopes and ideas.  That sounds like Jesus.

We're New Hope - and we only differ outwardly from other faiths in one way.  We don't ask for money.  However, we do have something rather interesting and, unique.

We can help you find, and if you wish, place your feet firmly upon your own sacred journey, your "true path."   This is your life, the gospel of your existence, and we don't preach on such...  but we do have the ability to help you find that path.  

We can teach you how to discover and express your own infinite potential, your gifts, to help and teach and learn and truly live.  To make a difference, and to rest perhaps with more tranquility, and to die - no matter how public or horrific your death, with a sense of...  hope.

We are New Hope.  We never ask for money.  We work to live, and we live to be among you as fully realized Apostles, Prophets, Miracle Workers.

We are all "the promised return of Jesus Christ".  Countless people now walk their own true path, most of them unaware.  We aren't special, but that is our talent....   we do our best each day, for effort, not victory - effort IS the reward.

Winning and losing matter not a bit.... but trying, is required.


Could you with any possible logic (if you believe) really think that whatever God you believe in would be so impotent, cruel or uninterested to ignore one group of you while sending a Savior to others?  All leaders, all faiths, are filled with the Truth.

Countless of you ARE the returned Savior, the returned Buddha, the returned Gandhi.

If you are reading this you are also....   an Apostle, a Saint, a Savior.  It comes with no royalties, no recognition, and is often rather embarassing or strange, but life is VERY enjoyable...

Pain is inevitable you see, but Suffering - Suffering is Optional.  (Sister Rita Musante, Huntington, Indiana, 2001).   Jesus demonstrated our powers - our shared powers, with those little flames, right before he left...  but it - he - God Almighty, is back.  Not exactly in the form you might have been taught to expect.

God Almighty is not angry, is not here to name, shame or blame.   Some of the problems we have shall we say, were rather inadvertently human characteristics, run amok.  You know, if you build a car or elevator or airplane that accidently goes awry and kills tons of people, it isn't exactly the fault of the people in or driving the plane, etc.

The designer you see - learns each and every day, just as we do.  "In His Image....etc"

To be THE or A Savior, a man or woman need not believe in anything, nor is it necessary to even be aware of this strange and magical set of gifts.   Jimmy Carter is well known - by I do not know if he would recognize or accept recognition of his spiritual status.  

In our lives however, the promises are fulfilled.   Miracles abound and follow us like baby ducks, but this my friend, this is YOUR sacred life - if you truly reflect, and think upon your life, you might realize  miracles have followed you all of your days.  

I am aware, I became aware in 1977.   My name is John Hubertz, but that does not matter.

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