Monday, December 17, 2018

BBC: World's poor who are homeless invent a new carbon-neutral brick - made of human urine.

From the BBC:   Human "urine bricks" could reduce worldwide human carbon emissions by 10 to 15%

In a rare bit of good news about the environment and a human future of too many people and an earth that will soon lose 25% (estimated) of farmable land due to runaway climate change.  The European and American migrant crisis is due to economic instability and starvation due to the loss of arable land (land that can produce food) due to corporate ownership of good land and desertification of the marginal land poor ordinary people are allowed to own and farm.

India, Africa, Central America - these people are starving due to our corporate greed.

So...  necessity being the Mother of Invention, the young people of Africa got busy.  Now  they have invented a brick made of waste materials, dirt and human urine - with the curing done by the sun.

Hundreds of times more durable than adobe, which is also a sun-dried brick, they are building homes and schools and hospitals, even though they cannot afford to buy back the natural gas our corporations are drawing from their own land.

Although the wealthy who rule us all use borders and deliberate economic manipulation to assure their own sovereign government sells the rights to their natural resources - because if not, we will bomb them or manipulate and arm their own evil leaders to effect regime change, and sell their farms and oil wells to us, for pieces of paper.

You cannot eat or prosper, if you have no land or gold or oil.  You cannot eat pieces of paper, especially since the "leaders" the wealthy allow expropriate their ill-gotten gains to tax shelters worldwide.

But if you are young, creative and poor...  you can use the internet to learn and create better ideas than burning natural gas for cement.

Instead you can lead the world to a brighter future:  Human urine bricks have the potential to reduce worldwide human carbon emissions by 10 to 15%

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