Sunday, December 16, 2018

World (especially French) major media is being actively censored and silenced, Yellow Vest is not about tax, tax was the match that lit the fuse.

We are New Hope - and our priorities are world peace and equality, the environment and sustainable culture.

Although we do live in an era of "fake news", our school is independent.  To the best of our ability the information in this article has been rigorously examined and independently verified.

Here is truth:  "Yellow Vest" is not a tax movement or a "protest", it is French Revolution 2.0     Here is the link:  

If you have interest in more information or a political/social/academic perspective on this moment in history, you may wish to read on.


Mister Huskinson and the staff of "The Huski",

Thank you for this timely and important article, but you raise two questions that deserve a serious reply:

1.  Is it morally reprehensible that there is direct evidence of government influence, censorship and even bribery of the mainstream media in France and worldwide to silence the voice of the "Gilet Jaune" (yellow vest) movement?

2.  Should the media be held legally accountable, and could it be called a crime, to perpetrate such falsehoods on behalf of wealth, power and corporate greed?

Our reply:

The questions you ask are both timely and important.

Sadly - the answer to both questions is yes.

Yes, it is immoral to do this, especially for agencies, government activities and especially business interests such as media companies to participate willingly in under-reporting, opposing and/or helping suppress the rights of ordinary people.

This moment in history, the situation in France today - this is just the tip of an iceberg of lies and cultural manipulation that serve only the needs of the privileged few.

It is morally horrific that we cannot seem to ever create government or corporate systems that are not immediately infused with the corrupting influence of unlimited wealth. 

This corruption takes many forms, but it is essentially like an evil farmer who will only feed and nurture dogs who are willing to kill anyone who dares to approach "their" land.

The wealthy feel they rightly should "own" and control all land, all money, and all power.  

For at least 2000 years (since the time of the Romans) the human species has suffered under the cruel whips and inhumane treatment of this oppression, slavery and control.

It is no longer viable to let this go on.  The choices and greed of the privileged are killing us, killing the environment and have almost certainly created an extinction-level crisis for all life on earth.

We must shrug off these hideous human parasites or as a species we have no future to share.

Hidden as they are behind masks of tradition, and walls of both law and power, they seem invulnerable - essentially immortal.

Their veils of corporate ownership, their lobbyists and their police forces/laws do stand as dark towers - and to excise the cancer of super-wealth will probably cause enormous social chaos, violence and death.

It must however be done.  We must collectively on behalf of our children and our children's children rise up against unrestrained wealth and stand up for all humanity.  

We must banish them to the dustbin of history, and now is the time.

"No more."

John Hubertz

Chancellor and Carl Zehr Professor of Theology and Moral Economics
New Hope Peace Academy, Indiana, USA


We also have some rather interesting material on the Environmental Catastrophe and Extinction-Level events that are euphemistically referred to as "Climate Change." 

Real message from God stuff (complete with burning bush).... God Speaks: You are entering a "Winter of Man". If you desire other information about us, the link is a gateway to our website/blog as well as the simple application process for our free University.

Background relevant to this essay:

This is a formal response to the questions raised in this important article. It has been prepared in special conference today, and represents input from the staff, faculty and students of our New Hope Peace Academy, a faith-neutral center of Peace and Economic studies (worldwide) based in the United States of America. Here is our reply:
We of New Hope, we of the Anabaptist Faith worldwide, we who you may know as Amish or Mennonite, we who live among you, but apart from you - seek to help at this moment in human history.
For over 500 years we have hidden in plain sight, or lived apart. We never seek to convince nor convert. At no time has anyone opened their door to a bearded man or plain woman, and heard "Excuse me, would you like to learn how to ride a buggy?"
We are as well-informed as most, and are far superior to you "English" in regards to our scholarship and commitment to peace, equality and human rights.
Stewardship for all life - human, plant or animal, is codified into our faith and in our lives.
Here is our message: This 'French Revolution 2.0', the gilet jaune (yellow vest) movement, is something we have been working for, praying for and in our own humble way, taking action on for not just a handful of years, but for untold generations.
It is our culture, our faith - and the source of our strength in a world gone mad with violence, greed and lust for power.
We will not fight in war, but we will heal the sick and bury the blessed dead. We have no homeless, our addicts have jobs - and they live among us, with families and hope and homes.
We know a better path, but first and always, we must strike down the evil selfish greed that is the source of most human suffering and the cause of all war.
Our martyrdom silenced our voices for 500 years. Martyrdom that resulted in most fleeing to America, was due to our simple belief that inequality is immoral and a plague upon all the earth.
"No more Princes, no more peasants, for all have a seat at the table of life."
For this and this alone, we were quite literally, boiled alive - a "third baptism" (as Anabaptist means adult, or second baptism).
Burned alive.
You see - in the name of "Jesus", and indeed, through corruption of nearly ever major faith construct from Hindu to Islam, from Christian to Roman and Orthodox Catholic and Lutheran, leaders and founders of faith have to bow to and not trifle with the tiny percentage of human beings who own quite literally, everything of value.
They sit in their mansions, their castles, their private jets - while we fight for-profit wars. They build their fortunes on the stolen wealth and unpaid taxes as our children lack for schools, good food and medicine.
And they believe this is their right by inheritance - to hoard and gleefully stand apart, protected by their (our) Armies, their (our) police, their privilege and their postal codes.
No more.
We need not use guillotines in 2019, for their for-profit prisons in the United States alone will hold their tiny number 10 times over.
And every person with even a scrap of their DNA shall have their wealth and property seized and redistributed, after a fair trial to assess their stewardship of land, of property, of peace and of people.
If they pass (like Buffet, like Gates, like Schweitzer, like Jimmy Carter) they are of course, encouraged to thrive and continue to lead us in prosperity and peace.
If they fail, they will never walk free again - and every person of their blood will quickly learn how to work, how to mow their own lawn, and how to work and shop at Wal-Mart.
This is our prayer, and our pledge. We are with you.

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