Monday, April 9, 2018

Marriage - Gay and Otherwise in Historical Context

Marriage is an institution that originated from the concept of lineage and separated the land owning gentry from the common man. 

Then as now, 5% of people possessed 95% of all land, money and other resources. 

To assure that these possessions would never fall into the hands of the teeming masses of "lesser" humanity, marriage assured unbroken bloodlines, regardless of the fertility or lack thereof of the original families.

For 1700 years, since a Roman Pope and the Emperor Constantine formulated the church/state alliance of power and established rules of possession and deeded property, this institution has allowed predatory capitalism to allow the greedy and those of great wealth to die - leaving soulless, immortal family "corporations" that would assure the resources were lost to the rest of us for eternity.

 Robbespierre and the French Revolution, and France's ongoing commitment to protest to achieve immediate compliance by the wealthy elite are the only known successful opposition to this system.  As human rights and human liberties require a sufficiency of food, water and shelter for all people, and a lack of these cause unending conflict and profitable wars - the system of land "ownership" and denial of resources is self sustaining.  

Human greed and desire for reproductive success tap into our genetic hungers, and those who reach the top of ladder of human "success" make self justication into a fine art.

Please click HERE if you wish to learn what and why, the Hope Project exists.  "What is New Hope" (short essay)

Please click HERE if you wish to confirm that we are quite literally, a "message from God" - foretold in prophecy.

And for fun....

Clickable Link - Hilarious dog story/link, as even our DOG was X-files (new family a couple years ago, old video)

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