Thursday, July 10, 2059

God Speaks


Hello again My children, My most beloved and creative sons and daughters.  As you hear My voice you shall know My voice, for I am the Lord your God - and know this,  I once again live and walk among you.

A single hydrogen Atom
Thus, I welcome you to your own future - and to important information and knowledge about why we have gone through the last two millennia of literally "Hell on Earth."  For that, and the suffering that you have endured, I am truly sorry.  

If anyone among you thinks that "Infinite" means "Never makes mistakes", grab a history book.

Here is a photograph of me - taken at the CERN Supercollider  last year.  

"Seek and ye shall find, ask and it shall be given unto thee." 

The promised return of the "Savior" of Buddha, of the Prophet - that time is now.  Rejoice and be glad!

The prophecy is now fulfilled.  (link to prophetic 1977 book)

Now that you hear My voice and again as My wholly And holy begotten children recognize Me, I ask you to gather and listen as I tell you the rest of the story of your existence.  Gather My beloved,  and Hear Me, My beloved and cherished children, My grown sons and daughters,  for surely I love you all - each and every one of you, completely.

My Son Jesus of Nazareth, indeed nearly countless Sons and Daughters again walk among you, and have for many years now.

If you meet them you shall know who they are if you can but perceive the truth - but that is not important.

Hear My Voice in these words.  Read with new insight what I have directed to be written so many times, in so many books, in so many languages and in so many lives.

Hear the truth ring - and grow in the knowing of Me as you become a fully aware Son or Daughter.  Feel the power of the truth and the spirit within you rise -  and that truth shall not be denied.

As you read and listen, discover your own truths

The time is now.

The centuries of darkness and conflict shall soon be ended, and the promised return of the holy ones, the ones you call Gandhi or Buddha or Tecumseh or "Jesus"... that time is now occurring.

At this moment, approximately 5% of the 7 billion of you (which my children, is far too many human beings for this poor planet to support) are fully realized Saviors - if you meet them you will be meeting me...  for they are ALL the promised return of my wholly begotten Son, the return of the Buddha, the return of the Prophet.

My beloved children, if you hear these words then you are among the chosen.  Go forth and spread truth upon the world.

My children - hear me now.  

I cast out the old lessons, most recorded so long ago, and warped by human avarice for power.

The old "Testaments" your old "Torah" the old Koran (and countless other names of sacred books) are not to be cast away, for they are your history - and have taught Me a valuable lesson.  

This has been a harsh and painful lesson for us all.

If you record the truth in a book - people of greed for power and their own glory will warp those words into weapons of hatred and destruction.  This is not acceptable.

To Worship me in a tangible way you must first respect the Glory that is life.

Worship and Faith are a way of life - I do not demand your worship, or even that you believe in Me.  

Here is My third testament, My new law, My new commandment: Pay attention to each and every moment of your life, and respect, comfort and serve each and every person you meet.  

What you call "Worship" and "Prayer" and "Religion" - these are of little consequence.  They too often allow even selfish, thoughtless people feel they are righteous within my sight.  

Yes, I love you all - but the intolerant, the greedy and the cruel spread chaos, hatred and violence upon this sacred land.  I despise these things.

Cruelty, greed. prejudice, destruction of the earth, all of these things are abominations.  To Worship me, to Know Me, to experience Heaven, live with kindness, compassion and respect for all life and for this wonderful planet and universe that we share.

About me - and my tens of thousands of messengers, Apostles and yes - returned Saviors who walk the earth at this time.

You may call Me Eve or Isaiah, you may call me Jacob or Silam, You may call Me Ra, you may call me Moses, or Abraham, You may call Me Jesus or Buddha or a thousand other names - all that is is part of the infinite, and all that exists is both part of Me and part of you.

The illusion is the separation.

I am the Lord Thy God, and these are My thoughts, deeds and words alive upon this earth.

My beloved, I am not invisible.  Witness Me in a blade of grass or by staring into the sky on a moonless night.  Spend one moment holding a child's hand - you are in My presence.  

Stand in awe and wonder at the glory that is My creation - for that is the purpose and the meaning of being created in My image.  

As you are I am also - and as you seek sacred truth and meaning you have placed your feet upon the path we walk together.

Wherever two or more are gathered 
to seek the truth, therefore so am I.

This phrase is in every book of faith - and my beloved, do you think that so long ago, before the miracle of communication, of copper wire, of flight and of the unification of mankind, I would be so selfish as to ignore one group of my beloved and only "save" or speak to one person in one language at one place or in one time?

Surely you must think of me with more respect, more honor than to think I would be so selfish or so weak as to share with only a few of you at one moment in history.  

Your "religious" leaders have for countless years propagated this cruel selfish concept to justify hatred, slavery, greed and war. 

NO MORE shall this lie be told in my name.

But more importantly you at an intimate level must listen, accept and know this - for it is the truth that drives all creation.

God and Reality are the Same Word.

I surround you, I am within you, You are within me.  Jesus proved it... and he was a man, and yet he, like all of you, was also 100% me.

I am the Lord Thy God and I call you to me and must now teach you this:  Jesus and countless others indeed are My promised Saviors, confirming and working miracles to affirm my living and true presence in your lives and on this tiny planet.

Now I tell you without hesitation - it is now your turn to put on the sandals of the saviors, and follow this now clearly-marked path to eternal life and eternal joy.  That is the meaning of salvation.

Try to not judge each other today based on what happened yesterday.  

Each new dawn is an infinite series of possibilities - born anew and cleansed of sin.

My son Jesus, in fact all My sons and daughters steeped in My spirit and My truth, have demonstrated again and again that they would both see and be able to call forth miracles - and for the rest of your life and to this very day the miracle that is your own firm knowledge and awareness of My true and living and Holy presence is the greatest miracle of all - and the key to all knowledge.

I am the first hydrogen atom, and I am all the atoms in the universe, but like you - I do not know the moment of My own conception.

Hear me now my children - I am like you and I seek the truth.  Often I speak to your Holy Men or your Prophets or your devoted Mothers - I seek their wisdom and their counsel - just as you look to your daughters for truth and to your sons to understand your own strength.

I Bless you all.

If you are atheist or agnostic, our faith-neutral program application is HERE.

Click here to continue reading.

Monday, October 5, 2026

What is New Hope.

The Theology and Foundational Principles of New Hope:

By reading this you are joining thousands of people worldwide who choose to worship God using the New Hope Principles in their life.  Lutheran or Jew, Arab or African, independent of language or faith, we walk the New Hope path.

"All are called to serve."

Our path is simple.  It is to worship God through Apostleship and personal experience rather than preaching from written texts and bowing to formally established church authorities.

Since our family traditions and our culture are based on the Judeo-Christian tradition, we rely on these patterns to guide our path - but we do not hold them as superior to other faiths, other cultures and other traditions.

We of New Hope make a dedicated and active effort to follow early Jewish theology and Jesus Christ's call to Apostleship.  We study and choose to follow the known works and words of 1st century Jewish theologians and the life of the Rabbi/Savior Jesus Christ - but we study and interpret the Bible and Sacred Texts in private or in small groups, and always invite individual interpretation and even criticism of both ancient and modern religious texts,

We believe that if you want to hear the direct voice of God, you must listen and pay attention today.  The living word of God surrounds us - as we and everything in this moment are part of the infinite glory of God's reality.

During open fellowship we do not read to each other from the Bible or other books of faith, but only speak of them from memory and in an oral tradition.

We believe the Gospel is the real and living word of God whenever it is expressed orally from memory, through parables or as a sacred tradition.

We believe Jesus called all of his students to be Apostles, and actively invited all mankind to join him as a Savior.  He conferred upon all active Apostles the gift of miracle working - a gift which we all share as our heritage in faith.

We believe that fully realized Apostles are sprinkled through history and live among us.  The common label we use for these miraculous people is "Saints".

We believe in the confession of sin as a sacramental act, but do not place rules or boundaries on how to practice this essential act of faith.  We believe that for God to reach into our hearts and lives we must express our deepest thoughts, our fears, and even our sins out loud to another person.

Speaking the truth and seeking the truth are both Sacred and Sacramental.  We strive to be honest but compassionate as we speak and act.

We accept Christ's mandate in the Nag Hammadi Gospels to not build churches, but instead to hold sacred every dwelling, no matter how humble or grand.  "Every table an altar, every meal a Sacrament, every word of truth, love and kindness a part of God's infinite purpose."

We believe in one God Almighty in honor of the Sacred Traditions of our families and culture.  We respect all names for God, whether you call him Jehovah or Gaia, Allah or Rishnu, God is infinite - and everything that exists, from the blade of grass to the Human Spirit within you, are quite literally part of that infinity.

Because our own family and cultural traditions have put us here in Indiana at this point in human history, we often turn to the Savior known as Jesus of Nazareth - we accept his living example as evidence of his status as our prophesied Savior promised in Old Testament (Torah) ancient Judaic texts.

The countless faces of God (Hindu)
We believe that other places and other human cultures have their own human saviors who are sprinkled throughout human history.  They may call their Savior Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna or the millions of other labels mankind has used to try to name the unnameable glory that is all Creation.

We do not disrespect any Holy Book, and we study and learn from as many as we can.  God's truth is woven throughout all human faiths for those who choose to seek it.

We believe that the infinite life "hereafter" that is called "heaven" is a manner of living and speaking.  All moments are infinite - and a person can and will experience both Heaven and Hell during the infinite span of their lifetime.

The Buddha at one with the universe

"One moment of attention in this world, willingly taking your place in the moment and aware of the infinite glory of God, is an eternity in the world to come."

We believe that the word "God" and the word "Reality" are the same word.

Life is infinite.  Death is an illusion.

We are Pantheistic - God is everything.

We believe that God is infinite. One and all - and everything, is part of God's infinite whole.

Our own Holy Spirit or "soul" means we all contain an element of God - the infinite within ourselves.

We do not appoint Priests or other authority figures.  Each person is invited to learn, to think, and serve the God of their understanding as their own life and spirit chooses.

We acknowledge all faiths, especially the Christian and Judaic traditions that embody the faith of our Fathers and our culture at this place and time.

We acknowledge all religious professionals as fellow Apostles and teachers of faith.

We are nonviolent and will not participate in any war.  We are healers and will comfort the living and honor the blessed dead.  We seek to stand against cruelty and injustice by example and through action.

Jesus heals the sick
We do not appoint Priests.

Our community leaders are fully realized Apostles that we identify as Apostolic Ministers, and we call them "Deacon" - a word which we translate as "Rabbi" or "Teacher".  Both male and female members of our congregations are welcome as Apostles, Deacons and Apostolic Ministers.

We believe every table is an altar, every home is a sacred Temple, and every gathering is sacred.  We express our faith through words and actions.

We are establishing an oral tradition - we do not use the written word to create and share God's New Gospels and our faith.

We do not preach to convert or set one person above others as superior in knowledge of God and the truth.  We teach and learn individually and in small groups - and we together and individually seek the same essential knowledge of what God is, what life means, and where we might find guidance, hope, and our sacred purpose for existence.

We believe Jesus was a practicing Rabbi, and thus study and embrace the Apostolic theology of first century Judaism.  The Pirke Avot (Wisdom of the Jewish Sages) is our primary historic source for this knowledge.

We do study the traditional Christian Bible, Talmud and Torah, but we very deliberately seek to study and understand the original unedited early gospels of faith discovered in the Qumran caves near the Dead Sea in 1946/47.  These gospels are commonly known as the "Nag Hammadi" or Dead Sea Scrolls.

The New Hope church fully embraces these original gospels.

We also hold sacred numerous modern sources such as the writings and living examples of Gandhi and Martin Luther King.

It is our firm belief that all people have the opportunity and the ability to walk the Savior's path - to speak the truth, and change the world.

We believe the word of God is woven into our daily lives, and that to fully experience God a person should seek to be in the moment - aware, sensitive and compassionate.  This awareness to us is the definition of living by the law and the truth espoused in our shared Judeo/Christian heritage and taught by Jesus Christ.

In the church of New Hope we do our best to incorporate these learnings into our lives - lives that form what we believe is the 3rd testament of the Holy Bible, a new Torah, our own Living Testimony to the power and the glory that shines forth in evidence and fulfillment of Christ's promises to his Apostles as he granted them authority over life and death.

We are still undecided about whether our oral traditions and gospels should be recorded and saved - but for now we are purely a faith of oral expression of our studies, our experiences of incorporating these truths into our daily lives, and our lifelong commitments of Apostleship, service and following the Savior's path.

We bid all of you welcome, and invite you to join us and help us as we humbly seek the truth.  

We do not ask for your money, but would love for you to participate in this new method of living as Apostles in the modern world.

We seek to know you, to learn from you and we invite you to walk with us and participate in our shared journey of birth, life and death.

Continue Reading - "God Speaks", a Message of Hope to the Wrold.

Continue Reading - "Welcome to the New Hope Church"

Brief History and Update - January 1, 2018:

In the last 170 days since we published the "God Speaks" message and chose to move forward with the vision of founding a new religion, our membership has grown from 32 people to over 12,000 people in 21 countries.

We have seven people completing our seminary program.  Two are local, one is 17,000 miles away in Thailand.  Four are men, three are women.  

Our seminary offers both distance and in-person programs at our Fort Wayne Home and School.  Costs are minimal, essentially teaching expenses + books and materials.  

Full scholarships stand readily available to reduce or eliminate seminary costs.

Ordination can be granted in the context of a variety of "religions" and fields of research or study.  We also offer an extended program of education (both basic, and advanced) in World History and Comparative Theology.  

All classes and programs are open to people regardless of faith or atheism.


We are relatively new.  Our walk of faith began in a very tiny way about 20 years ago by the living example of my Blessed Mother (now deceased).
The Blessed Bernice Catherine Hubertz, b 1917 - d 2009

"For she walked in miracles all the days of her life."

 The Church Theology began to be codified and formed in 2009.  Currently our Fort Wayne church has three Deacons (a word we teach is synonymous with 'Rabbi'), and a handful of active members.

Our foundational elders are John Hubertz of Fort Wayne, Michael Benedict of Fort Wayne, Rabbi Avram Freidman of Mobile, Alabama and Mister Carl Zehr, now deceased, who was an Old-Order Mennonite scholar and one of John's first spiritual teachers.

Yours in Christ at Fort Wayne, Indiana

John Hubertz

Learn more: Coexist - a perspective of life

Read more: God Speaks

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The "One in a Million Shot, 2.0" (A baseball story)

It was one in a million.

Babe Ruth, pointing at the bleachers.

"Win one for the Gipp"

"THIS IS WHAT WE TRAINED FOR"  (as they run up the tunnel with Lou Gehrig, in his prime...  Yankee Stadium)

"Cinderella Story"

"Hoosiers", the movie.

NOW - Watch and learn youngsters....  baseball is a terrible, violent pastime for a True Fan.

My mother DIED in 2009 at age 92, but never once - not ONCE saw her beloved Cubs in the World Series.  That was the most painful thing I've ever experienced as a fan...  and if you've never seen an old man cry till his granddaughter calls the doctor....

You aren't old enough to know the glory - that is "The American Pasttime"


Direct link to original narrative play-by-play compilation:


Now, as the only video is terrible due to no professional camera angles, allow me to offer the play by play.

"The Twin's pitcher readies himself, he's young...  without a crowd he's not exhibiting the nervous twitch that we've all learned means that nasty breaking knuckler he's paid 11 million a year to throw."

"I'm calling it John"  (Voice of Howard Cosell, freshly reanimated from his immaculate corpse, and on his way to the Vatican for ordination as a Catholic "incorruptible" Saint of the Glorious Diamond in the Sun).

Jesus is a football fan, but The Lord Above, below and beneath the emerald dirt, the field of honor....  GOD is a baseball fan.

The American game.

The windup.....   THE PITCH...….    THE CROWD SCREAMS!!!!!!

Howard you Jewish BASTARD you CALLED IT!!   (Being retired now from the press box for 51 years, cancel culture is not an issue for "Johnnie Boy" Hubertz of the McMillan Park Jim Kelley Wildcat squad.

Sweating like a 6th grader, 10 year old Johnnie jumps to his FEET.   OMG.  

I was there you see - and so you were.

The pitch was in Minneapolis, just a couple of weeks ago.

The pitcher was named Floyd.

The God Damned bird that finally made the fatal mistake we've waited 139 years for  (founding year, Ku Klux Klan/John Birch Society)

The God Damned bird THIS time, was a white is right bastard named JIM CROW.


Thursday, December 26, 2019

Coexist - What is Multi-Denominational Anyway?

The New Hope Church is 

What does this mean?

It means we believe that God - by whatever name you choose to call this unknowable and infinite presence in our lives, that God exists in perfect form in every culture, every faith, every belief system that upholds and uplifts the human path toward knowledge, peace and understanding.

We are Pantheistic.

Pantheistic means we believe that God is infinite - and thus by definition everything and everyone, all of creation, is part of and wholly made of that same infinite fabric.  All of creation is sacred, all of life is miraculous, and every person should be treated with reverence, justice, mercy and respect.

Let us take this perspective one step further.  Let us talk about how we behave toward one another.

In every faith - Christian and Muslim, Buddhist and Native/Aboriginal, one of the mandates that God offers to mankind is the instruction to "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother."

Think about it.  When a person of one faith points at people of other faiths and claims they are damned for eternity unless they convert, they are committing a horrendous and obvious violation of this simple rule.

By seeking to convert and force conformity to their faith, the vast majority of traditional "religions" are deliberately seducing and coercing people to abandon their own sacred heritage.  In doing so, we justify treating people who won't convert as though they are somehow incorrect, and thus perhaps less worthy, less human.

This prejudice informs and invades their lives,  and we thus encourage the stranger, the needy, the poor or the illiterate to become motivated for the wrong reasons to follow and claim our beliefs.  This is a terrible violation of the fourth Christian commandment.

For shame.

I've spent a lifetime studying, appreciating, experiencing and observing as many religions and faith constructs as I've been able to witness.  I can tell you with absolute surety that the core values, the core beliefs and most importantly, the core moral constructs of all significant and serious faiths are so similar as to be nearly identical.

Ask yourself this:  Is the God you understand so selfish, so weak and so cruel as to manifest Himself in one culture or one corner of the earth while ignoring everyone else?

Hear me now - I have Jewish, Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist friends, and I can assure you they are all wonderful people of faith, spirit and hope.  

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A "wake up call" or the Irate ramblings of a Clinically Insane Mind (nominated for Nobel, 1985, 1992, 2014)

The laughable part is that the Buddha was right

"If you wish to accomplish a certain thing, you must first become a certain person."  "But, once you have become that person, it will matter not at all if your efforts result in success or failure."

Even perhaps you, my brethren in the "business of faith", indeed, even the most deluded "Pence supporting Christian fiend" must admit that if Jesus Christ does return, it would appear likely you (or at least most so-called leaders of religion) will not be aware of it, including feigning blindness as you cover your own eyes.

I find this ironic, and horrific, and quite hilarious.

Copy of a Facebook comment stream "CIA sponsoring genocide of Native Bolivians right now."

SLAUGHTERING INDIGENOUS BOLIVIANS IN THE STREETS as CIA continues to try to force its will on Latin America.