Greed is fear - and capitalist oppression is a social construct based on those fears.
It is scalable from family levels to the entire world economic view.
Thus, pardon the obvious "faith basis". I hope the fact I am personally agnostic tempers your fear of faith. Faith is obviously the weirdest opponent true sharing (Communism) has ever faced.
Jeremiah 29 10:13 "For I know the plans I have for you (says the Lord) plans to give you Hope and a Future, then (once I have offered the gifts, and you have found them worthy), you may come to me and pray to me, and I will answer you, if you pray with all your heart.
"I can work" "Sorry boy, no jobs today, come back tomorrow...."
And the working man returns to a hungry home and an angry wife - who is so poorly nourished the baby is weak and dying of a cold.
I say this: For shame. We are not the "richest country in the world" while millionaires thrive and a 10 year old poor child has less of a chance to living to age 50.... then a 10 year old in Bangladesh.
I work with the poor every day, and I've lost three friends in ten years - to Capitalist greed and toothaches.
For shame.
Yes my capitalist friends, Change is Scary, but sometimes it is necessary to save a life, an economy and in this case, a planetary ecosystem.
Sometimes you just have to go away and come back as a different being. If you practice, you'll know when it happens.
As a society, we must "go away" and return a different economic system, or we will perish like mice that outrun their own food supply.
Tell me friends, why do human beings insist on braying like donkeys and breeding like rats?
America - "Land of the Spree and Home of the Crave."
John Hubertz at the New Hope Peace Academy
Indiana, USA
There is you see, only one planet that we must all share.