Sunday, July 15, 2012

Capitalism is simply greed and avarice codified into law.

As all wealth at the most simple level is the result of the accelerated use of world resources, wealth should be a shared commodity.

All human cultures, even those without writing, monetary commerce and social caste, have a certain percentage of people who produce and achieve and create surplus - just as a certain percentage of people either cannot or do not put forth effort to harvest or grow or create.

The concept that someone must give those who create and produce hugely more than everyone else is aberrant.

Producers produce, consumers consume.  With or without the motivations of greed and wealth.

Capitalism makes producers into Gods who walk among us, and would like to consign non-productive people to the grave.

Capitalism is simply greed and avarice codified into cultural traditions and laws.

Or perhaps you think living toothless on scraps and the cheapest food until an early death is not the same as consigning the weak and indigent to death?  You are right.  It is worse than death to be treated this way  - as it creates lives of terrible prolonged suffering on purpose, as if righting some moral wrong for the crime of being born poor or lame or old or without talent.

Pure capitalism deliberately excuses and encourages harming significant percentages of the population through neglect and deliberate impoverishment.

People, read human history.  Capitalism and money commerce are not historical or cultural universals - they are relatively new inventions.  Don't listen to their excuses about human society grinding to a halt without capitalist wealth inequality and greed.

Creators will invent, the healthy will work hard, doctors will heal and teachers will teach, with or without some gigantic monetary carrot-and-stick system.

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